  • 學位論文

服務品質、知覺價值與關係品質對客戶忠誠度之影響 —以台灣資訊服務業為例

The Influence of Service Quality, Perceived Value and Relation Quality On the Customers Loyalty—Example of Taiwan IT Service Industry

指導教授 : 陳思寬


本研究以台灣資訊系統整合業之專業服務產品為例,探討企業客戶對提供專業服務廠商之服務品質、知覺價值與關係品質的評價,是否影響客戶的忠誠度。本研究首先以個案研究的方式對一家亟欲轉型之台灣中小企業的資訊系統整合廠商進行企業診斷,並經由內部高階主管以及同業高階主管之專家深度訪談推導出命題。接下來推導出研究命題,連同文獻探討以確定研究架構以及研究假說並設計問卷進行量化研究及質化整理。 本研究之問卷發放對象為個案公司民國104年及民國105年之年度專業服務成交金額超過新台幣100萬元的客戶,以立意抽樣法依採購中心成員的角色別進行問卷調查。問卷共發放了200份,回收的有效問卷共有175份。經過統計分析後,發現企業客戶對提供專業服務廠商之服務品質、知覺價值與關係品質的評價,的確會影響客戶的忠誠度。此3個變數對忠誠度影響的程度大小分別為服務品質、關係品質與知覺價值。 本研究依據結論,建議專業服務廠商的首要工作就是提升自己的服務水準,而且要積極地與企業用戶溝通,讓其了解提供服務廠商所具備之服務品質以及其提供之專業服務為企業產生的績效為何?希望能藉由本研究的結論與建議,使台灣專業服務公司的競爭力提高。


This study is to analyze and discuss if customer’s perception of “service quality”, “perceived value” and “relationship quality” of a professional service provider may effect customer loyalty in the information system integration industry in Taiwan. This study first conducted a case study of Taiwan's small and medium enterprises which have the strong desire for transformation in the information system integration industry for enterprise diagnosis. The internal high-level supervisors and senior executives in the same industry were interviewed by the researchers to define the focus and subject of this study. With additional literature reviews, the structure of this research and the research hypothesis was determined and the design of the questionnaire used for quantitative research was finalized. The questionnaire was distributed to the case companies whose service revenues were greater than NTD 1 million per year in 2015 and 2016. This survey was conducted based on purposing sampling method to the members of buying centers. A total of 200 questionnaires were distributed and 175 valid questionnaires were collected. After the statistical analysis, the researchers concluded that “service quality”, “perceived value” and “relationship quality” of professional service providers will indeed affect customer loyalty. The degree of influence of these three variables on loyalty is “service quality”, “relationship quality” and “perceived value”. Based on the conclusion, it is recommended that the most important task of professional service providers is to improve their standards of services and to actively communicate with business users about the quality of service provided by service providers and the performance of their professional services. It is hoped that the competence of Taiwan's professional services companies will be improved by the conclusions and recommendations of this study.


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