  • 學位論文


A Discussion of Norms and Reasons in the Zhuangzi

指導教授 : 林明照
共同指導教授 : 魏家豪


本論文主要工作在於處理《莊子》對規範的反省,並探討《莊子》哲學中為其規範所提供的理由,以此發展《莊子》哲學進行規範性探討的可能。以規範及其理由的探討進路切入,呈現《莊子》規範性進路下的詮釋研究。 「能為規範提供支持的理由,即為規範性」。本文以此界定出「規範」、「規範陳述」、「規範性陳述」作為分析解讀的工具,並將《莊子》文本論述視為莊子思想展現眾多規範主張、規範性經驗(事實)及規範性陳述的場域,呈現莊子思想各種規範思想及其理由間的關係。 基於莊子思想的特色:反思與調和作為規範性探討與詮釋的主軸。本文對莊子規範性研究的論述分為三階段:個人對自身認知過程進行反思,並對認知所產生的對立概念及判斷採取調和的對待態度,不執著或僵化於任何概念判斷;以上述基於反思而形成的調和態度與他人互動相處,在人我互動以調和、順應的狀態達成和諧、互為主體性的互動關係;而在詮釋莊子哲學對社會及理想社群的規範反省的部分,不僅展現於期許人人皆能以聖人、典範為目標修養、互動以形成群體的和諧,而聖人、典範亦標示著莊子思想對既有、僵化之社會規範的批判反思,因此亦引導著社群成員們觀照自身與他人,以開放的態度共構穩定和諧的社群。在每一階段中,皆是以「反思」為起點並展現「調和」特色的莊子核心思想,作為各篇章詮釋莊子規範及其理由的論述基礎,以呈現《莊子》規範及其理由的研究。


莊子 規範 理由 規範性 社群 反思 調和


Abstract This dissertation is a study on the notion of norms and its reasons in Zhuangzi. By clarifying Zhuangzi’s norms and its reasons, I shall develop the normativity discussion of Zhuangzi. Basing on the definition of normativity: “normativity is the reason which can justify norm”, I define three notions: “norms”, “normative statement” and “normativity statement”, to analyze the contexts in Zhuangzi. Taking the contexts in Zhuangzi as the place for displaying its normative claims, normativity experiences and normativity statements, I use the three notions above to present the connection between Zhuangzi’s normative thoughts and its reasons. I take reflection and harmony as distinguishing features of Zhuangzi’s thoughts, to develop the normativity study of Zhuangzi. The normativity study of Zhuangzi divide in three parts: first, about agent reflects on his conscious progress, taking the harmony attitude to the contract concepts or judgments in his consciousness; second, basing the reflections and harmony attitude above, to interact with others by flexible and adapting state, making the intersubjectivity and harmony relation; third, about society and community reflection, there is not only the thought about every one learn the sage for the harmony interaction, but also the thought about the sage can be the mark of critical reflection to inflexible norms, and guiding the community members to reflect on their own. Key words: Zhuangzi; norm; reason; normativity; community; reflection; harmony.


Zhuangzi norm reason normativity community reflection harmony


