  • 學位論文


Employment Withdrawal among Married Women in Taiwan: The Moderating Effects of Wife and Husband’s Personal and Work characteristics

指導教授 : 郭貞蘭


過去研究指出已婚女性與丈夫的個人特質與工作狀況,以及子女的成長狀況都可能會影響已婚女性的就業安排,卻鮮少探究已婚女性在子女成長的過程中的就業安排,是否受自身與丈夫個人與工作狀況的影響而有所變動?因此本研究使用「東亞社會階層與社會流動研究台灣社會變遷基本調查附加專題」,並採用事件史分析的研究途徑。 本研究發現,台灣女性婚後在無子女以及育有0-3歲的子女的階段中,職場中斷的風險最高。可見台灣女性一旦進入婚姻,很可能因為準備懷孕、照顧家庭成員等需求增加,在平衡家庭與工作上的挑戰加劇了其退出勞動市場的可能性。此外,本研究也發現,雖然育有學齡前子女的女性,當其教育程度愈高,職場中斷的可能性愈低,然而,當子女開始接受學校教育之後,具有大學以上文憑的女性,比起其他教育程度者,卻呈現較高的職場中斷風險。另外,本研究也呈現已婚女性工作特質對勞動參與決定的影響。本研究發現,已婚女性過長的工時,不僅增加其勞動中斷風險,且過長工時對於育有3-6歲子女的女性來說稍顯困難,使得育有此年齡別子女之女性呈現較高的職場中斷風險。最後,本研究發現丈夫工時以及其教育程度對女性職場中斷風險無顯著影響。 整體來說,台灣社會對於家務工作承擔有性別化的期待,當家庭與育兒工作被視為已婚女性責任時,除家庭生命週期影響女性勞動參與決定外,其教育程度與工作特質會去影響女性在不同家庭生命階段中的勞動參與決定,本研究發現點出女性個人與工作特質,與家庭生命週期間的互動關係對女性就業情況的影響。


Previous studies suggest that married women’s personal and work characteristics, their husband’s personal and work characteristics, and their parenting statuses may influence married women’s employment decisions. Using data from the "East Asian Social Class and Social Mobility to Study the Basic Survey of Taiwan's Social Changes", the current study investigates how the risk of exiting from employment among Taiwanese married women is shaped by their family life cycles. Moreover, the current study further investigates how the association between married women’s risk of employment withdrawal and family life cycles may be conditioned by women’s own and their husband’s personal and work characteristics. The current study found that the risk of employment withdrawal for married women are highest for times before they start to have children and when they are rearing young children at ages 3 or below. The heightened risk of employment withdrawal married women experienced before they started to have children suggests that family care burden for Taiwanese women may not simply come from rearing and caring for young children alone. The current study found that the risk of employment withdrawal for higher-educated married women who are rearing pre-school children at ages 3 or below are lower, however, the risk of employment withdrawal for married women who have tertiary education level is highest when married women have children at ages 6-18. The current study found that the risk of employment withdrawal for married women who work excessive hours would be high, and the risk would become higher when they are rearing children at ages 3-6. At last, the husband’s working hours and education level have no significant effect on the risk of employment withdrawal among married women in the study. The current study further focuses on the moderating effects of wife’s own and husband’s personal and work characteristics on the risk of employment withdrawal for married women. It found the risk of employment withdrawal for married women in family life cycle would become different because of their education level and work characteristics.


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