  • 學位論文


Taxonomy of Phytoseiidae (Acari: Mesostigmata) in Taiwan

指導教授 : 柯俊成
共同指導教授 : 何琦琛(Chyi-Chen Ho)


植綏蟎科 (捕植蟎) (Phytoseiidae),是世界聞名的蟎類之一,已經紀錄超過 2,700 種。部分種類是生物防治時常被以應用的捕食性天敵,在田間能能捕食植食性的微小害蟲,如葉蟎、節蟎及小型昆蟲,對於農業生態系提供重要的貢獻。為了能妥善的應用植綏蟎,基礎的分類學研究是不可或缺的。錯誤的鑑定將使得非標的之天敵被釋放於田間,無法確實偵測田間天敵與害蟲之密度,掌握施用時機,甚至在新天敵的開發上均將造成問題。臺灣地區自 1970 年代開始,由曾義雄與數位蟎類學家在植綏蟎分類上有重大的貢獻,截至目前為止已經記錄 53 種。然而往昔研究有些許問題亟需解決:1. 調查多侷限於農地或郊區。2. 大部份研究只描述雌成蟎。3. 往昔的描述與繪圖與現行分類方式不同。4. 所有曾義雄的採集標本包括模式標本已遺失。5. 許多種類僅有形態描述,缺少基礎生物學資訊,在本土天敵的篩選上造成困難。本研究將針對臺灣地區與鄰近島嶼之植綏蟎科進行完整的分類學與外部形態回顧。從 2009 至 2019 逾 10 年間,共採集超過 2,500 樣本與超過 20,000 個蟎類個體。本研究將針對臺灣產植綏蟎科進行完整重新描述,已發表 5 新種 5新紀錄種,總共包含三亞科、14 屬、62 種。提供形態描述、繪圖,並增加寄主植物、食性等資訊。此外將針對以下五點進行討論:1. 臺灣產植綏蟎多樣性。2. 曾氏標本的謎團。3. 額外增加的形態特徵對於本類群分類之探討。4. 是否仍有其他有潛力之捕食性天敵。5. 蟎類標本製作技術探討。本研究預期將可充實臺灣生物多樣性資料庫,更能對未來植綏蟎之應用提供重要基礎。


植綏蟎科 分類 背毛 重新描述


The Phytoseiidae, one of the most well-known mite families, contains more than 2,700 recorded species worldwide. Certain phytoseiids are used as biocontrol agents. They prey on phytophagous pests, including spider mites, eriophyid mites, and small insects, thus valuably contributing to the agroecosystem. In order to study, apply and monitor accurately on the appropriate species, a reliable Taxonomy of Phytoseiidae is urgently needed. Fifty-three species of Taiwanese phytoseiids have been recorded since the 1970s, with major contributions from Tseng and other acarologists. However, several problems must be solved: (1) previous investigations have mostly been restricted to agricultural areas or suburbs; (2) descriptions of adult males for most species are lacking; (3) some parts of the descriptions, drawings, and synonyms are ambiguous; (4) all collections by Tseng, including type specimens, are missing; (5) biological information on phytoseiids is lacking. This study comprised a general review of the classification and external morphology of the family Phytoseiidae in Taiwan and neighboring islands. During 2009-2019, more than 20,000 specimens with 2,500 collection records were found. This study dealt with 62 species belonging to 3 subfamilies, 14 genera, including 5 new species and 5 newly recorded species were reported before. It was provided descriptions, illustrations, and also informations on habitat plants and food habits were recorded. Five points were discussed separately: 1. biodiversity of phytoseiid mites from Taiwan; 2. Tseng’s specimens mystery; 3. additional characters in Taxonomy of Phytoseiidae; 4. any possible potential predator species? 5. mite slide preparation. This study will not only extend biodiversity database of Taiwan but provide framework for future biological control of phytoseiids.


Phytoseiidae dorsal seta Taxonomy redescription


Abbasova, E.D. (1970) Little known species and new subspecies of the genus Mumaseius De Leon (Acarina: Phytoseiidae). Zoologicheskii Zhurnal, 49, 1410–1414. [in Russian].
Amano, H. (1994) Collection record of predacious phytoseiid mites in Chiba Prefecture (Acari: Phytoseiidae). Faculty of Horticulture of Chiba University Technical Bulletin, 48, 237–240.
Anonymous. (1937) Tea cultivation in Taiwan. Taiwan Government Plant Industry. 325 pp. [in Chinese].
Abo-Shnaf, R.I.A. & Moraes, G.J. de (2014) Phytoseiid mites (Acari: Phytoseiidae) from Egypt, with new records, descriptions of new species, and a key species. Zootaxa, 3865, 1–71. http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3865.1.1
