  • 學位論文


Study on Crime Fraud Investigation-Cases of Taipei and Keelung

指導教授 : 彭錦鵬


近年來詐騙集團利用金融、電信、網路等新興科技及管理漏洞,以各種名義詐騙不知情民眾的錢財,並且透過單向聯絡、多重電話轉接之犯罪手法,逃避警方查緝,此類犯罪手法危害民眾生活甚鉅,嚴重妨害社會整體利益。 國內的詐欺犯罪問題至今卻仍無法得到顯著的改善,民眾普遍認為警方機關對於詐欺案件偵查績效不彰,亟待檢討精進。本研究之主要目的,是希望藉由探討警察機關對於詐騙偵查措施訂定方面究竟有無問題?執行有何困難?有何應改進之處?透過對負責偵查詐欺犯罪第一線之警察人員進行訪談及調查,俾利瞭解問題所在。 本研究首先藉由「文獻探討」與「官方次級資料」分析為何基隆市詐欺犯罪偵辦破獲率會比全國及臺北市高之外,為了避免資料太過狹隘,而後嘗試藉由「文獻探討法」與「深度訪談法」等2種方式,針對基隆市與臺北市警察局偵查詐欺的個別作法作對照。 最後,分析歸納臺北市與基隆市警察局刑警大隊偵防詐欺犯罪的基層偵查人員及督導管理職級幹部人員等多方人士之訪談結果,提出我國警察機關詐騙犯罪偵查措施之改革策略與建議,以精準打擊詐欺犯罪及提升破案率。綜合上述內容之分析整理,本研究歸納提出以下研究發現與建議:一、候用偵查人員甄試增訂電腦科目測驗。二、提高單位預算、充實軟硬體設備。三、補足專責隊人力,落實偵辦詐欺工作。四、建立專屬獎勵規範,激勵打擊詐欺意願。五、中央統一規劃詐騙偵查人員教育訓練。六、協調其他政府部門或民間單位加入共同防制詐騙。七、建立女警友善外勤工作環境。八、詐騙偵查單位納入正式編制。


Civil fraud cases were prevalent in Taiwan in the past decades. Fraud ring, using financial, communication, internet and other sophisticated technologies, cheated numerous people and money and causing serious impact on individual, family, and the society. This study focuses on the problems relating to the investigating process within the police system. It dealt with the problems in investigating fraud crimes from different angles, which include human resources, specialized expertize, investigation system, required information technology hardware and software and financial adequacy. Interviews with frontline policemen of Taipei and Keelung cities are conducted. It is recommended that police system needs to improve in some respects. Specialists of the fraud investigation team should have certain IT capability. Budget needs to be increased to improve IT hardware and software. Shortage of specialized human resources needs to be addressed. It is necessary to establish a reward system to motivate the taskforce. It is vital for the central government to set up an integrated education system on crime fraud investigation. It is also necessary to coordinate the efforts of related government units and civil society to fight against fraud crime. It is also recommended that fraud investigation unit should be set up as a formal unit of police organization.


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