  • 學位論文

地方節慶、產業特色、行銷模式對經營績效影響之研究 ─以雲林縣古坑鄉咖啡業者為例

The Effect of local festival,industrial characteristics,and marketing pattern on the efficiency of the coffee entrepreneur:A case study of Yunlin County Gukeng Township

指導教授 : 張宏浩


2003年,雲林縣古坑鄉打出「台灣咖啡節」,帶動台灣咖啡熱潮,更因為找到地方特色產業,塑造出「台灣咖啡原鄉」、「古坑咖啡山」的意象,拜台灣咖啡節活動的舉辦,最高紀錄在一個月的活動期間,曾為古坑帶來120萬人次的人潮,形成古坑和咖啡劃上等號,咖啡成了一種很平價、人人都可以消費的東西。 隨著全台競相舉辦地方節慶,從北到南,類似活動不斷重複上演,台灣咖啡節新鮮度漸褪,光環逐年遞減,熱潮不再,遊客不再聚焦台灣咖啡,沒有人潮就沒有錢潮,讓古坑咖啡業者的經營面臨極大隱憂,由於古坑的台灣咖啡,不僅是一種新興產業,擔任前端生產種植的農民,不少人同時化身為生意人,親自操作商業過程,把自己生產的咖啡,轉化為精緻商品,直接銷售給消費者,在台灣咖啡節活動對遊客吸引力,愈來愈低之際,這群業者反而成為推動台灣咖啡極為重要的一環。 追求利潤之餘,更值得業者去思考的是,台灣人對咖啡產業的價值定位,什麼是台灣人喜好的咖啡沖泡方式?能不能從咖啡的產地、品種、烘焙、泡製方法、喝咖啡的方式,透過生活經驗的累積,創造出台灣咖啡的產業特色? 綜合本研究實證分析結果,業者參與台灣咖啡節的促銷次數、以及台灣咖啡節的舉辦,可以激發回味往日農村氛圍的產業特色,都出現顯著水準,說明地方節慶與產業特色,對古坑咖啡業者經營績效最具影響力,古坑的台灣咖啡節是值得持續舉辦,業者更應強化咖啡的產業特色,才能創造更高的經營績效。


In 2003,the Gukeng Yunlin County in Taiwan intiated a tourism plan"Taiwan Coffee Festival." marked the beginning of a renewed interest in coffee culture in Taiwan and its success ensured that there would a similar coffee festival in Gukeng every year. To date Gukeng area has been known as the "Taiwan's first coffee town". As the Gukeng Coffee Festival grew year by year, more and more domestic tourists from all points around the island visited the town, with a record of 1.2 million people visiting the area one year. With the surge in tourists visiting Gukeng to see this unique "coffee town," town officials and businessmen knew that they had hit on something good.However, with the popularity of the Gukeng coffee festival, other regions of Taiwan began to compete with Gukeng by having similar coffee festivals – as well as other kinds of festivals focusing on different products other than coffee. As a result,Gukeng began to face some marketing problems and business anxieties.But Gukeng town officials tackled the problem, working with coffee growers and local shop owners, to win back market-share in the domestic tourism industry.Gukeng town officials and tourism representatives felt that with such a good product on their hands--real coffee grown right in the area where tourists could not only see how coffee is grown and harvested,but also drink it at a variety of local coffee shops-it would be a smart move to keep the annual coffee festival alive and running, thereby bringing in much-needed tourists and revenue to a small rural area in south-central Taiwan.




孫康元(2015)。遊客參訪行為與展館設施之探討 -以雲林農業博覽會為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2015.02921
