  • 學位論文


A Study on the Factors of Firm's Information Disclosure

指導教授 : 陳業寧


本文探討影響國內上市櫃公司資訊揭露程度之因素。文中將影響因素依其性質分為四大類:公司財務特性、產業特性、企業外部機構投資人持股狀況、企業內部董監、大股東、經理人持股狀況,分別設定假說,定義自變數,以證基會對各上市櫃公司資訊揭露程度評鑑的結果量化後作為應變數加以探討。 由迴歸結果發現,公司資產、公司為製造業、電子業、金融業、外資持股比率、政府機構持股比率、本國金融機構持股比率、本國公司法人持股比率,皆與資訊揭露程度皆呈顯著正相關;而負債佔資產比率、董監持股比率與資訊揭露程度呈顯著負相關。流動比率、每股盈餘、本國信託基金持股比率與資訊揭露程度呈弱項正相關;十大股東(不含董監)持股比率、董監質押比與資訊揭露程度呈弱項負相關;其餘變數與資訊揭露程度呈不顯著相關。 本文亦探討影響企業資訊揭露透明度變化的因素。迴歸結果發現流動比率之變動、公司市場集中度之變動、政府機構持股比率之變動,皆與資訊揭露程度之變動呈顯著或弱項正相關;資產之變動、資產報酬率之變動、本國公司法人持股比率之變動與資訊揭露變動程度呈弱項負相關;其餘變數為不顯著相關。


This paper investigates the factors of firm’s information disclosure. Factors can be classified into four parts. (1)corporate financial characteristics (2)industrial characteristics (3)stock holders (external-firms) (4)stock holders (internal-firms). This study posits hypotheses about the factors of firm’s information disclosure. Multiple regression analysis is conducted to test these hypotheses. The regression result of Equation (1) shows that statistically significant positive relationships exists between Index (1) (degree of information transparency) and the variables as following: firm’s assets, manufacturing industry, electronic industry, financial institute, the stocks holding ratio by foreign capital, domestic government, financial institute, corporate. There exist significant negative relationships between Index (1) and debt ratio, stocks holding ratio by directors and supervisors. There exist weak positive relationships between Index (1) and current ratio, EPS, the stocks holding ratio by domestic trust company. And weak negative relationship between Index (1) and top ten stock holders, pledge ratio of stocks hold by directors and supervisors. Other variables are not significantly related to index 1. The regression result of Equation (2), and Equation (3) shows that statistically weak or significant positive relationships exists between Index (2), Index (3) (change of information transparency degree) and change of current ratio, change of Herfindalh-Hirschman Index (HHI), change of stock holding ratio by government. Also shows that statistically weak negative relationships exists between Index (2), Index (3) and change of firm’s assets, change of ROA, change of stock holding ratio by domestic corporate. Other variables are not significantly related to Index (2), Index (3).


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