  • 學位論文


From a Migrant Village to a Trans-oceanic Lineage Society: the Qiaoxiang Zhushan in Quemoy before 1949

指導教授 : 夏鑄九


中國近代歷史中的華僑運動,除了以大量人口以及僑滙的跨海流動影響沿海地區的經濟發展,甚至在政治上催生了一個世紀以前的民族主義以及革命運動。因此,做為當時僑民原鄉認同以及僑滙流向的主要目標,「僑鄉」具有特殊的研究意義。 由微型社會學及微觀史學的啟發,本研究選擇金門珠山村做為僑鄉空間歷史研究的對象。並以老�中�新的基本分層概念分析其《族譜》及僑刊《顯影》等家族史料。由早期地理歷史的變遷推論,逐步聚焦於僑鄉時期移民類型、僑滙經濟及空間營造的討論。 因此以「移民聚落」及「跨海宗族社會」的動態觀點補充傳統對於「農村」的靜態認識:薛氏族人的移民傳統,不僅表現在元末的開基金門,也展現在明代舊村時期的部份成員向外移出,更展現在清初遷界令之下的全族大遷徙。戰亂結束後,薛氏族人廢棄舊村,並應用與地區傳統完全相異的風水配置法則,遷至珠山村現址,提昇了農業及住宅的用地面積。其後,在華僑運動興起的年代,「僑」或稱「洋客」由於同時具備跨海移動以及在村內定居權力的族人,成為新的移民類型。並以贍家性僑匯以及私宅商品化市場的資金流動,支持原鄉的經濟及空間營造活動。此時的珠山村已經不僅是一個具有集體移動並且記憶先祖之地能力的聚落,而是薛氏跨海宗族社會的核心節點。 由於移民傳統、僑滙經濟、僑鄉建築及跨海家庭,都並非專屬珠山村的特殊歷史現象,而是僑鄉的共同歷史特徵。由金門珠山僑鄉的微觀歷史分析,華僑時期的人口與資本雙向流動應該被重新認識為一組不同於傳統鄉村及城市的跨海宗族社會組織現象。而僑鄉營造中的建築象徵則為其呈現本地傳統與跨界企業家精神共同作用的文化表現。


僑鄉 華僑研究 建築史 僑刊 金門


Overseas Chinese movement in the modern Chinese history had affected the coastal provinces with a large trans-oceanic population and remittances. Furthermore, it politically encouraged nationalism and revolutions a century ago. Thus, qiaoxiang (overseas Chinese home village), being the main objective area of home place identity and the flow of expatriate remittances from overseas Chinese, has special value in research. With inspiration from micro-sociology and micro-history, this paper selected Zhushan Village on the island of Quemoy as the research site for investigating qiaoxiang history. Also, the concept of old / middle / new strata is applied to analyze the village’s genealogy and Qiaokan (overseas Chinese home place publication). Beginning with inference from the geographic history, this research progressively focuses on discussions of the migration type, remittance economy and building activities in the qiaoxiang era. Therefore, the dynamic concepts of "migrant village" and "trans-oceanic lineage society" were introduced to supplement the traditional static understanding of a "rural village". The migration tradition of Xue’s clan was not only seen with the establishment on Quemoy in Yuan Dynasty, but also the partial emigration in the former village period in Ming Dynasty. Furthermore, when the newly established Qing Dynasty enforced the notorious Immigration Decree in 1664, the whole clan emigrated from its village. After the war period, the Xue’s clan abandoned the former village, and relocated to the area of today’s Zhushan Village. With a unique site typology which was totally different from the regional fengshui tradition, the lineage society expanded the housing and farming area. Then, in the time of the Overseas Chinese Movement, the term qiao (overseas Chinese) or yanke (overseas guest) was used to call a new type of emigrants who had the trans-oceanic mobility and settlement rights at the same time. Economical and building activities of the home village were mainly supported by these emigrants’ remittances and cash flow in the private housing market. At that time, the Zhushan Village was not only a settlement with the collective mobility and memories of ancient ancestors, but a core node in Xue’s trans-oceanic lineage society. The migration tradition, remittances economy, qiaoxiang building and trans-oceanic families were not exclusive historical phenomena to Zhushan Village, but common historical characteristics of qiaoxiang in general. According to the micro-historical analysis of this village, the two-way flow of population and capital should be re-recognized as a set of trans-oceanic lineage social organizations phenomena. The architectural symbols of qiaoxiang building activities, on the other hand, can be seen as cultural representations which express the joint effect of local tradition and cross-border entrepreneurship.


Levi, Giovanni(1991) Microhistory. Peter Burke (Eds.), New perspectives in historical writing, 93-133. PA: The Pennsylvania State University Press.
施添福(1987)《清代在臺漢人的祖籍分佈和原鄉生活方式》,臺北市 : 國立師範大學地理學系。


