  • 學位論文


Examining Organizational Adoption of Cloud Computing in Taiwan

指導教授 : 許瑋元


自從雲端科技議題興起,雲端已被公認為台灣未來主要科技趨勢,政府也致力於推廣雲端,希望企業可以充分利用雲端提升競爭力。但根據調查顯示台灣企業決定採用雲端科技的比例依舊十分低落。因此,本研究主要參考過去對於雲端服務、新興資訊科技在企業採用的部分進行文獻探討。 本研究使用社會因子影響研究台灣企業採用雲端的可能因子,以「外在壓力」、「組織就緒性」、以及「感知利益」作為主要影響因子,分析對企業採用雲端意願的影響。本研究以台灣天下雜誌所公布的企業為對象,篩選出金融界與科技界的企業做為我們的研究對象。 本研究使用抽樣法進行問卷發放,共收集83 有效樣本,以偏最小平方法(partial least squares, PLS)檢測本研究之相關性假說是否成立。本研究的具體成果顯示「外在壓力」、「組織就緒性」均獲得證實會正向影響企業採用雲端的意願,而「感知利益」這個因子則不顯著,無法支持假說。此研究結果大抵與前人文獻探討結果相符,唯有感知利益因子不顯著與過往研究相悖,推測此一因子不顯著許歸因於台灣企業的風險承受度高且產業內競爭激烈,因此企業願意在尚未全面瞭解與體會新興科技的利益時便決定投資以搶得先機。 本研究也提出相關學術與實務層面的建議,希冀對未來相關雲端採用研究探討有所助益。


Since the rising concern of cloud computing issue, the cloud has been recognized as major technology trends in Taiwan in the future, the government is also committed to promoting the cloud, wishing enterprises can take advantage of the cloud to enhance competitiveness. However, according to a survey of Taiwan enterprises, there are still limited numbers of companies showing their willingness to adopt cloud computing. In this research, we draw on the prior studies on technology innovation adoption to examine factors that might influence the adoption intention of cloud computing among Taiwanese companies. This study used social influence related factors to analyze the organizational adoption intention of cloud computing such as "External pressure", "organizational readiness" and "perceived benefits". Our research selects companies listed by magazine Common Wealth, a local business magazine. In particular, we focus on financial and information technology industries. In this study we used sampling method, questionnaires were collected 83 valid samples. The study used partial least squares method (PLS) detecting the hypotheses. The results of this study show "external pressure", "organizational readiness" showed significant that enterprise adoption behavior of cloud computing would consider about these factors, but "perceived benefits" is not significant, can not support the hypothesis. The results of this study consistent with previous literature, the only factor is not significantly associated with perceived benefits contrary to previous studies, this factor was not significant because that Taiwanese companies usually with high tolerance for risk and intense competition within the industry, so companies are willing to make decision before totally understanding to trace revenue. The study also raises relevant academic and practical aspects of the proposal, wishing to help future related research to cloud adoption exploration.


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