  • 學位論文


The Research on the National Museum of Taiwan Literature Marketing and Social Educational Promotion Strategies─A Case Study of Taiwan Literature Mobile Museum

指導教授 : 曾建元


本研究以國立台灣文學館為個案研究的主體,進而以行動博物館為個案進行深度研討,探討相同的教育推廣策略在國內其他博物館場域實施情形為何、比較不同行動博物館計畫之間的異同以及未來台文館在該項業務的設計與推廣上,有哪些值得參考及改善之處,並延伸作為日後博物館推廣社會教育時的注意事項,與如何有效落實教育推廣策略與規劃成效良好活動的參考範例。 本文的第一至三章,是本研究所使用的的理論與相關概念,說明本研究將用到的理論、 社會教育相關概念與博物館理論。第四章闡述於推廣社會教育過程中,博物館所扮演的角色及功能定位,基層官僚如何協助推動與實踐博物館教育,以及博物館與社區的合作與互動關係,能夠為博物館教育帶來哪些正面的影響與提升。第五章探討台文館的常設展推廣背景,舉凡法制、預算、館員背景等,蓋因教育推廣活動的成敗與博物館主管的積極度、意念、組織機關之間的協調度與上級機關是否充分授權密切相關,故探討台文館在專業人力、資源配置、制度(法制健全與否)條件與活動規劃完善程度等相關配套,實有其必要性。第六章鎖定了台灣文學館的行動博物館計畫,作為博物館推廣教育與行銷的具體實踐,行動博物館計畫兼具主動性、積極性與教育性意義的多元特色,旨在讓偏遠地區的居民或青少年有接觸博物館資源的機會,平衡城鄉(或區域間)博物館的資源落差,另外,行動博物館的展出形式提供了博物館向外宣傳的另類管道與方式,突顯博物館做為非正規教育知識殿堂有其活潑親民的一面,有助於建立台文館的正面形象,打破縣市疆界的藩籬,提昇台文館的知名度。 結論的部分,針對博物館的教育推廣功能,提出了幾點政策建議與具體的策略方針,如:網路博物館的經營、社群媒體的宣傳與活動曝光的力度等,足供未來研究博物館學的學術後進及實務界相關人士參考,最後,本研究在行動博物館論題的探索上,仍存在許多未臻完美之處,希望日後博物館學界針對行動博物館,為更深入的研究探討,使行動博物館相關議題成為博物館學界未來的探討重心,並使研究結果與政策建言,能逐步實踐於博物館實務界,強化博物館的社會教育功能。


In this study, the National Taiwan Literature Museum as the main case study, and then to act as a mobile museum to explore the similar museum's educational outreach strategies in other museums, how come are these case be implemented, compare similarities and differences between the different mobile museum plans and the National Taiwan Literature Museum on this task of the design and promotion, which is worth a reference and for improvement. As an extension of considerations when the museum promote social education in the future, and as a good reference sample on how to effectively promote the implementation of education outreach strategies and planning good result activities. The first to three chapters of this paper is to present research theories and related concepts, explain this study`s theory, social education concepts and museum theory. In the fourth chapter, classify in the process of promoting social education, the role of the museum and its functional position. As well as the interaction between the museum and the community and neighbors, which can bring a positive influence to museum education and promotion. In the fifth chapter, explore the National Taiwan Literature Museum`s permanent exhibition background of educational promotion, like law institution, budget and employee profession. The success or failure of Educational activities is based on the positive degree of Museum director, their ideas, coordination between the authorities and whether the higher authorities fully empowered. So explore Professional manpower, resources, institutional (legal soundness) Conditions and perfection degree of Event Planning in the National Taiwan Literature Museum, has its importance. Chapter Six locked at the Taiwan Literature Museum mobile Museum plan, as a museum concrete practice to promote outreach education. In addition, mobile museum plan presents initiative, enthusiasm and educational meanings pluralism Features. Designed to give residents in remote areas or adolescents have access to museum resources, balancing urban and rural areas (or regions) Museum of the resource gap. Museum exhibit in the form of action provides an alternative way to publicize the museum. Highlights the museum as a non-formal education knowledge palace has their active side to help build a positive image of the National Taiwan Literature Museum. And breaking the boundaries of city-county barriers and enhance the visibility of the National Taiwan Literature Museum. In conclusions, in view of the museum's educational outreach function, made several policy recommendations and specific strategies policy, such as Internet museum business, social media campaigns and activity exposure intensity and so on. As a reference for academic backward and practitioners for future research Museology. Finally, the study on the topic of the mobile museum plan, there`re still leave some room for improvement. Hope the future museum circles conduct more in-depth study on the mobile museum. Make Museum-related issues a new academic center. To be implemented in the future museum practitioners, strengthen the museum's social educational function.


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