  • 學位論文

商業計畫書 跨國企業合併與收購後人力資源與文化整合

Global Integration Lead Business Plan for Cross-border HR PMI Consulting Service

指導教授 : 韓廷允




In 2019, both the number of M A (Merger and Acquisition) and amount of deal transactions reached record highs in Japan. M A is becoming an important management method not only for big companies but also for SMEs. In the past, in Japan, many business structure transformations were centered on own resources, and M A was considered to be a special method. However, with the progress of economic globalization and the demand for speed in business transformation, M A has been attracting attention as a powerful tool for achieving that challenge. The success of cross-border M A, which can aim for global expansion, gaining the excellent resources, organizational change, horizontal and vertical business domain expansion, is very important for Japanese companies to have a long-term presence in the world. However, approximately, 65% to 85%of mergers fail. (Lipi and Bourgeois, 2009). Failure of M A does not only cause the financial big loss, but also causes loss of growth opportunities in the medium to long term, deterioration of employee morale, non-retention of talent, resulting in a decline in corporate value and bring a big threat of sustainability. The reasons of failed includes post-merger and acquisition integration especially for cultural and management parts. Under these circumstances, the post-merger and acquisition integration (PMI) process that determines the success or failure, now focus point of the attention.    Regarding to the M A market analysis, in terms of PMI phase especially for cultural and HR field, there are not many players in Japan. Moreover, even most of companies don’t offer cross-border PMI and they don’t target the SMEs. Therefore, cross-border PMI for SMEs in Japan has growth potential, but it is an area where many companies have not yet entered. Through in-depth interviews and strategic research, I saw the potential clients’ pain point and gain regarding the post M A integration especially for cultural, HR field. Based on these facts, I’d like to propose a business plan of cross-border PMI consulting company, Global Integration Lead, that can help to minimize the problems and support the creation of further synergies between an acquiring and a target company. This is comprehensive cross boarder PMI service to lead the effective culture/Organization integration. In our service, our main client’s segments are small to medium size Japanese companies which have the intention to acquire foreign companies and vice versa. Because middle size companies’ cross boarder deal is increasing in this decade and these SMEs have not much experience in cross-border M A and their resource are also limited.    Through this service, we aim to increase the success rate of M A of Japanese SMEs, accelerate business growth, and increase the number of companies that can make a presence in the world for medium to long term base.


[1] Deloitte US (2019), Mergers-acquisitions-trends-2019 https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/us/Documents/mergers-acqisitions/us-mergers-acquisitions-trends-2019-report.pdf
[2] Ministry of Economy Japan(2018),Overseas M A Study Group by Japanese Companieshttps://www.meti.go.jp/press/2017/03/20180327003/20180327003-1.pdf
[3] KPMG Japan (2020), Cross border M A of Japanese companies https://assets.kpmg/content/dam/kpmg/jp/pdf/2020/jp-global-value-up-20200508.pdf
[4] PWC Japan, (2020), Overseas M A and Japanese companies, https://www.meti.go.jp/press/2019/04/20190409003/20190409003-1.pdf
[5] David G, (2019) Post-Merger Integration Action Planning, Harvard Business School
