  • 學位論文


Cognitive Training of Active Inference in Older Adults

指導教授 : 吳恩賜




Traditional cognitive training for older adults focuses on continuous practice of specific abilities like memory, processing speed and reasoning. While such approaches usually result in improvements in the trained cognitive abilities, transfer to other non-trained abilities is limited. In the study, we evaluate the efficacy of a cognitive training approach in older adults based on how the brain interacts with the external environment to form inferences. Inferencing refers to how the brain updates its beliefs and uses them to predict the future. Inferencing can be active or passive, which involves doing actions to verify predictions or just observing events. Critically, inferencing requires the brain to integrate multiple cognitive functions so that training in active inference might transfer. We designed a 6-hr Lego Robot Programming (LRP) cognitive training intervention for participants to engage inferential processing. 24 older adult participants (mean age = 66.6 yrs, SD = 5.48 yrs) were separated into the experimental active inference group (N = 12) and the control passive inference group (N = 12), which dissociated according to whether participants could control the robot directly or not. To evaluate the training effect, we applied a Visual Rule Inference Task (VRIT) in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) session during pre- and post-training assessments. VRIT behavioral performances were similar for both groups. However, VRIT neural responses shifted from visuoparietal to the middle cingulate area from pre- to post-training in the active inference group but remained in visuo-parietal areas for the passive inference group. Our findings reveal functional brain differences during active and passive inference about the environment. Moreover, we demonstrate somewhat meaningful changes in older adult neural engagement after a short 6-hr cognitive training protocol for active inference. Future analysis will consider whether LRP training transfers to other cognitive abilities.


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