  • 學位論文


Taiwan’s “Chinese Lyrical Tradition”: Reflections on the past and present, and future directions

指導教授 : 鄭毓瑜


「中國抒情傳統」論述作為中國古典文學一個重要的文學術語、文學批評的方法或文學理論。在1971年以來的發展,它已經從一個中西比較文學的研究視域,回到中國古典文學,再延伸到現當代的新詩、小說、散文等文學,以及擴充到電影、音樂、版畫等等的文化領域。這幾十年以來,經過眾多學者不斷地努力與反思,重新詮釋了「中國抒情傳統」論述。以至於我們現在所認識的「中國抒情傳統」已經不再只是當年陳世驤在美國亞洲學會的年會中所拋磚引玉的一句宣言,或是高友工為了突破西方分析美學所提出的「抒情美典」意義。 為了能夠更清楚的釐清「中國抒情傳統」論述的脈絡與發展。論文將會從陳世驤與高友工一個文學術語之所以產生角度開始,再經過一眾學者回到古典文學中進行重新的詮釋與反思,呈現一個前後相繼的學術傳統。後來,王德威倡導一種「眼前無路想回頭」的批判性「抒情」開啟了一個「眾聲喧華」的學術氛圍,為「中國抒情傳統」開啟更多的詮釋空間。這樣不僅可以使我們更了解「中國抒情傳統」論述的發展,還可以從個別學者的不同研究旨趣與研究對象中,呈現學界的共同研究目的。讓我們感受到中國文學史中,那「一以貫之」且不曾間斷的「抒情傳統」。


"Chinese Lyrical Tradition" has emerged as an important literary term, literary criticism and literary theory for the study of Chinese literature. Since 1971, it gained widespread acceptance where many scholars extended the application of this concept for their research on classical Chinese literature into contemporary literature and cultural studies. The idea of Chinese Lyrical Tradition was first presented by Chen Shi-hsiang during a conference in America and received resonance from scholars around the world. Since then, the concept has been re-interpreted and grows beyond the western literary concept. This thesis aims to summarise the development of “Chinese Lyrical Tradition” and observe how the terminology first proposed by Chen Shih-hsiang and Kao Yu-kung developed into a well-established theory. Academicians have continuously put efforts to study, explore, interpret and reflect on the “Chinese Lyrical Tradition”. After fifty years of development, it has since grow from a comparative classical literature perspective to influence modern poetry, novels, essays and other literary contemporary, and even expanded to other culture field like movies, music, prints and so on. Subsequently, the "Chinese Lyrical Tradition" as we known today is no longer just a statement made by Chen Shi-hsiang at the Asian Society of America Annual Meeting. Moreover, it is not restricted to the meaning of "Lyrical Beauty" proposed by Gao You Gong in order to break through the Western analytical aesthetics. With the purpose of clarifying in details on the background and development of the "Chinese Lyrical Tradition", this thesis starts from the perspective of the development of a literary term by Chen Shi- Xiang and Gao You Gong, then provide a successive academic tradition after reinterpretation and reflection by a group of researchers. This would help to have a better understanding the changes in the “Chinese Lyrical Tradition”, as well as to perceive and learn from each research, in term of their personal interest, research objectives and goals, Literary Criticism skill and lyrical spirit.


一、 傳統文獻(以年代順序排列)
