  • 學位論文


Research on mobile operating system industry: competition law issues and regulatory strategy

指導教授 : 黃銘傑


本論文研究主題為「行動作業系統產業競爭法議題研析與管制對策」。研究主軸將先概述行動作業系統主要提供的應用服務、產業發展歷程,敘明現今產業主導者及其他市場參與者各自扮演的角色地位,進而描繪出整體產業之商業模式及其特性,以瞭解實務發展現況,同時勾勒出台灣於該產業的表現與所面臨的處境,作為後續擬定相關管制對策之討論基礎。 本研究以行動作業系統業者及APP開發商所涉競爭法案例作為研究對象,前者分別挑選「Microsoft併購Nokia手機業務案」說明台灣與歐盟於市場界定與結合影響評估執法上的不同;創下罰款紀錄的「歐盟裁罰Google濫用Android系統案」則突顯出歐盟執法成效有限,不宜為公平會所仿效;多個重點市場當前發生的「濫用APP發行平台」爭議類型,提供公平會未來執法方向參考。後者則以歐盟「Facebook併購Whatsapp案」及台灣案例為主,闡述APP開發商於市場界定與結合影響評估、不公平競爭等議題所面臨之困境,以及若欲促進相關產業發展,實有必要擬定以競爭法視角出發之產業治理對策。 除了檢視台灣產業現況與問題外,本研究也參照和台灣產業相似程度較高之日本,彙整其近年由經濟產業省、總務省及公正取引委員會所公布的相關調查報告及治理方針,作為台灣公平會所獨力主導的管制對策之啟發。最後本研究認為台灣公平會將來管制對策上,應以維護應用程式開發商權益為核心,建構一利於APP開發商發展的市場競爭秩序為優先考量,而毋須盲從和台灣產業組成差異甚鉅的歐盟、美國等經濟體之執法方向,始能避免有限的行政資源用於收效甚微的制裁上。


This study is focused on competition law issues and regulatory strategy relating to mobile operating system industry. In order to depict the business model, industrial characteristics and realize industry practice, this study introduced the history of industry development, the main product or service and the important participants in this industry. Furthermore, this study tried to give regulatory advice by evaluating the performance and the situation of the related industry in Taiwan. Subsequently, this study analyzed several anti-competition cases which were involved with mobile operating system owner and mobile APP developers. For example, we could realize the competition law enforcement difference between EU and Taiwan in the perspective of market definition and the market valuation of M&A from “Microsoft acquired Nokia’s handset business case”. In addition, Taiwan FTC shouldn’t follow EU because “EU fined Google for illegal practices regarding Android mobile devices case” showed limited effectiveness. Moreover, “abusing APP distribution platform’s dominant position” happened in many countries made Taiwan FTC prepare for enforcement in advance. Last but not least, “EU approved Facebook acquired Whatsapp case” and some Taiwanese cases present the dilemma facing by mobile APP developers. It’s necessary to design and implement an appropriate regulatory strategy from the perspective of competition law if we desire to promote industrial development Besides examining industry practice and anti-competition problems, this study also collected and introduced investigation reports and governance policy issued by Japanese authorities which are facing the similar circumstances in order to provide some inspiration for Taiwan FTC in the process of making regulatory strategy. In the end, this study suggested that Taiwan FTC should take maintaining fair market competition order in the first consideration, protect the rights and interests of the mobile APP developers. Due to the differences in the composition of the industry, Taiwan FTC have no reason to follow EU or America authorities’ policies so that limited administrative resources could be allocated in an appropriate way.


一、 中文文獻
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2. 陳惠貞(2016)。《2017新趨勢計算機概論》。台北:碁峰。
3. 黃彬華(2017)。《Android 7.x APP開發教戰手冊》。台北:碁峰。
