  • 學位論文


Demand Assessment of a Postnatal Nursing Center - Using Chiayi Chang Gung Memorial Hospital as an Example

指導教授 : 楊銘欽


目的:調查嘉義地區孕婦對產後護理機構之入住意願與需求評估以供醫療體系建置相關機構之參考。 方法:本研究以至嘉義長庚醫院婦產科產檢的孕婦為對象,使用問卷調查方式了解孕婦對產後護理機構的需求與入住意願,研究樣本數為150位,採用SPSS 18.0軟體進行問卷資料統計分析。 結果:有34.7%孕婦有入住意願,影響入住意願的重要因子為本人教育程度;預計的調養天數多為22-28天;認為一天合理的費用應為3,001~3,500元,坐月子的費用多以夫妻共同負擔。選擇產後護理機構最重視的因素為嬰兒照護服務、產婦照護服務及價格合理。最看重定型化或相關契約的服務項目、嬰兒醫療需要處理之方式與收費標準。認為機構應提供的必要服務為24小時專業護理人員對產婦及嬰兒照護、婦產科醫師諮詢及產婦一日五餐;必備的硬體設備有提供陪宿功能的套房、嬰兒室與媽媽教室。願意自費的附加服務為洗髮美髮及減重塑身、月子餐膳食外送與陪客餐。另外,結果也發現孕婦重視完整的休養時間。 結論:受訪孕婦中約三分之一有入住產後護理機構的意願,影響入住意願的重要因子為本人教育程度,設置產後護理機構的單位可針對教育程度較高的孕婦加強介紹與行銷。


Purpose: To investigate the willingness ofpregnant women in Chiayi to stay in a postnatal nursing center and to assess their demand . The result could be not only referenced for postnatal nursing center developed by Chung Gung medical foundation but also for other medical facilities. Method: A questionnaire was used to investigate pregnant women who had prenatal checkup in Chiayi Chung Gung Memorial Hospital. Totally 150 preganant women completed the survey. The statistical analysis was conduced using SPSS 18.0. Results: Around 34.7% of pregnant women were willing to a stay in postnatal nursing center, the significant related factor was personal educational level. Their estimated length of stay was 22-28 days.The easonable price was expected to be NTD$3,001-3,500 per day. About 14.0% of respondents expressed that the couple will share the fee of postnatal nursing care. Important factors when choosing a postnatal nursing center were infant care service, puerpera care service and fair price. It also revealed that postnatal nursing center should provide professional puerpera and infant’s nursing care for 24 hours, gynecologist service and puerpera diets 5 times daily; in terms of hardware, it was thought to have suite that can accommodate guests, baby nursery and parent-teacher meeting room. Moreover, pregnant women’s optional out-of-pocket services should includeshampoo, hairdressing,body sculpting, postnatal diets delivery and guest’s diets. Respondents also emphasized great importance to entire recuperation time. Conclusion: This study indicated that the most crucial factor related to pregnant women’s willingness to stay in a postnatal nursing center was personal educational level. They can be seen as important audience for promoting postnatal nursing centers.


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