  • 學位論文


Pollution Source Survey and Prevention Program Assess for the Ta-Han River Basin

指導教授 : 張慶源


本研究選擇淡水河系大漢溪中游及其最重要的支流三峽河為探討的範圍,首先就此區域之水質水量、降雨及河川流量等水文水質資料作為背景敘述,接著是人文活動及污染量的推估,包括點源非點源的污染量,並藉由集污區的劃分來說明河川的污染負荷量,此外選用Qual2k的水質模式,透過大漢溪中上游之Q75的河川流量來作水質模擬,以此作為污染改善措施成效的評估。 流域內污染源主要來自生活污水、畜牧廢水以及工業廢水。藉由人口分佈情形來推估生活污水之污染量;此外藉由各事業單位之廢水排放點資料、各產業的污水放流量來推算事業單位(包括畜牧業)之廢水污染量。其次藉由台北縣2002年統計要覽中水田之面積,配合地理資訊系統判斷三峽河兩岸1,500公尺範圍內之水稻田面積與仳鄰三峽河之長度,估算之污染物經由三峽河之河川廊道後削減,剩餘之污染物流入河川則輸入Qual2K非點源污染單元中,並配合點源污染單元來模擬三峽河之水質狀況。 水稻田於不同生長期削減量會有所不同,因此排入河川之污染量也會不同。藉由不同時期之污染排入量,模擬三峽河水質變化,並搭配環保署公告之河川水質結果來驗證水質模擬之可靠性。此外三峽河流域第一期稻作生長期間為三月至七月,二期為八月至十一月,因此選擇三月與十一月之河川平均旬流量之Q75,作為水稻田中在乾季時有水與無水狀態下水質模擬的初始條件,此外改變河川廊道中水稻田之面積,以評估若河川廊道之水稻田面積變化對三峽河水質之影響。 此外假設於三峽河河岸之農田進行住宅區的開發,針對水質污染指標中的BOD (biochemical oxygen demand)及DO (dissolved oxygen),利用水質模式配合集水區的污染量以及土地利用削減污染量模擬三峽河開發前之水質狀況,並根據台灣地區營建署規定,住宅區之樓地板面積為30 m2/人,而住宅區人口之污水量以250 m3/人,日 來作為開發後所產生之生活污水量,藉此推估河川水質的改變情形。若要維持開發前之水質或符合台灣地區河川水體水質分類標準,則應於開發時所要採取之環境保護措施。


The study chose the Ta-Han River and the most important tributary San-Xia River to be the discussion region. First, according to the water quality and quantity, the rain and the quantity of the river. Then use the Qual2K model to simulate the water quality by the Q75 of the Ta-Han River, and use the result to be the basis of the prevention program assess for the Ta-Han River basin. First of all, this study will estimate the amount of contaminants of the San-Xia River basin. The majority of the contaminants come from domestic wastewater, livestock wastewater, and industrial wastewater. The population distribution will indicate the flow of domestic wastewater. The livestock wastewater and industrial wastewater can be estimated by applying the qualitative and quantitative characteristics. Then with the help of the figures of the paddy planting area from the Taipei County Statistic Summary of 2002 coupled with the geographical information to decide the size of the planting area within 1,500 meters on both sides of the San-Xia River basin and its length along the river. The contaminants will be reduced since the wastewater runs through the riparian corridor of the San-Xia River. The remaining contaminants will become the input into the non point pollution cells of Qual2k and together with the point pollution cells the water quality can be simulated. However, the reduction of the contaminants flow will be different due to the growing seasons. To find a more reliable result, the contaminants flow of different periods of time to simulate the changes of water quality of the San-Xia River will be compared with the water quality result issued by the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA). The first paddy growing season of the San-Xia River area is from March to July and the second growing season is between August to November. To simulate the water quality, the Q75 of 10 days average flow of March and November are respectively chosen to show the differences in water quality during dry season between wetland and dryland. If the area of the paddy fields within the riparian corridor will be altered so as to evaluate its effect towards the water quality of the San-Xia River.


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