  • 學位論文


Total Maximum Daily Load of Heavy Metal Copper in Nankan River Basin with WASP Water Quality Model

指導教授 : 陳俊成


南崁溪因流經桃園市、蘆竹鄉及大園鄉等人口稠密地區,工商業發展迅速,造成各河段的污染程度日益嚴重,因此桃園市政府環境保護局發布桃園市南崁溪流域廢(污)水重金屬銅排放總量管制方式,劃定南崁溪流域為重金屬銅總量管制區,並指定總量管制區之特定承受水體為南崁溪。 本研究應用Water Quality Analysis Simulation Program (WASP)建立南崁溪水質模式,利用平均絕對百分誤差法(Mean Absolute Percentage Error, MAPE)進行評估。 研究結果顯示率定MAPE 18%,驗證 MAPE 27%,符合優良及合理預測,將Q75流量輸入至模式進行模擬,實際污染總量4月為45.3 kg/day、8月為45.5 kg/day,河川涵容能力為7.81 kg/day,並根據重金屬銅達成率統計後得知南崁溪流域達成率低於50%之污染熱點測站,以達成地面水體分類及水質標準(0.03 mg/L)為目標,利用情境分析來模擬熱點測站污染源削減後之河段水質變化,假設7種情境,分析南崁溪削減污染總量,情境一為污染源全數削減50%之污染量,其削減總量4月與8月皆為24.9 kg/day;情境二為污染源全數削減65%之污染量,其削減總量4月為29.5 kg/day,8月為29.6 kg/day;情境三為污染源全數削減70%之污染量,其削減總量4月為31.7 kg/day,8月為32 kg/day;情境四為僅針對東門溪、高速公路橋下排水、瓦窯溝排水污染源削減50%之污染量,削減總量4月與8月皆為14.7 kg/day;情境五為僅針對東門溪、高速公路橋下排水、瓦窯溝排水污染源削減60%之污染量,削減總量4月與8月皆為17.7 kg/day;情境六為僅針對東門溪、高速公路橋下排水、瓦窯溝排水污染源削減65%之污染量,削減總量4月與8月皆為19.1 kg/day;情境七為僅針對東門溪、高速公路橋下排水、瓦窯溝排水污染源削減70%之污染量,削減總量4月與8月皆為20.6 kg/day。 綜整以上七種情境之結果,其削減總量介於14.72-31.73 kg/day(4月)及14.72-31.8 kg/day(8月)之間,而在有限資源及影響範圍較小的概念下,本研究建議僅針對部分污染源進行削減,如情境七之狀況較為合適,且各河段之濃度較為平均。


水質 總量管制 南崁溪 重金屬


Nankang River flows through the areas with high population density such as Taoyuan City, Luzhu Township and Dayuan Township. With the rapid development of industry and commerce, the pollution levels of various river sections have become increasingly serious. Therefore, the Department of Environmental Protection, Taoyuan has released the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Method of heavy metal copper in waste (sewage) water of Nankang River basin, delineated Nankang River basin of heavy metal copper control area, and designated it as the specifi endorsed water. In this study, the Water Quality Analysis Simulation Program (WASP) was used to establish the water quality model of Nankang River and evaluated by Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE). The results showed that the MAPE of calibration and validation are 18% and 27%, both of them are good and reasonable prediction. Put the Q75 flow rate into the model for simulation, the actual total pollution of April and August are 45.3 kg/day and 45.5 kg/day, and the capacity of the river is 7.81 kg/day. With calculating of the achieving Rate of heavy metal copper, we can find out the pollution stations whose achieving Rate is than 50% as the hot spot stations in Nankang River. In order to reach the standard of surface water body classification and water quality (0.03 mg/L), the situation analysis was used to simulate the change of water quality after the reduction of pollution sources in hot spot stations. Here are seven situations are assumed to analyze the total amount of pollution reduction in Nankang River. In the first situation, the total amount of pollution reduced by 50% from the sources of pollution is 24.9 kg/day in April and August; in the second situation, the total amount of pollution reduced by 65% from the total amount of pollution sources are 29.5 kg/day in August and 29.6 kg/day in August; Situation 3 is the total amount of pollution that is reduced by 70% from the source of pollution and the total reduction are 31.7 kg/day in April and 32 kg/day in August. In the situation 4, it is only for Highway bridge drainage and Wayaogou drainage pollution sources to reduce the amount of pollution by 50%, the total reduction in April and August are 14.7 kg/day; Situation 5 is only for the East Gate Creek, Highway Bridge drainage, Wayaogou drainage pollution sources The reduction of pollution by 60% and the total reduction by 17.7 kg/day in April and August respectively. Situation 6 is the reduction of pollution by 65% only for Dongmen Creek and expressway bridge drainage, In April and August, both of them are 19.1 kg/day. Situation7 is the reduction of 70% of the pollution from the drainage of Dongmen Creek and the highway bridges and drainage sources and the total reduction was 20.6 kg/day. Integrate the results of the seven situations, the total amount of reduction of April and August are 14.72-31.73 kg/day and 14.72-31.80 kg/day. Under the concept of limited resources and smaller impact area, in this study, aimming for the specific pollution sources to reduce is the suggested strategy such as the situation 7,furthermore,the concentration in the various sections of the river is more close to the average.


