  • 學位論文


Two Dimensions of Achievement Motivation and Work Performance: The Moderating Effect of Task Interdependence

指導教授 : 鄭伯壎




Past studies had imdicated that achievement motivation could predict one’s behavior for pursuing achievement. Later, some Chinese researchers took cultural difference into account and proposed the different concepts of “Individual-Oriented Achievement Motivation (IOAM)” and “Social-Oriented Achievement Motivation (SOAM). However, the relationship between subordinates’ work performance and these two dimensions of achievement motivation remains to be unclear. Moreover, studies have also identified that context might play an important role for individuals to exhibit IOAM and SOAM, but only few studies have confirmed this assumption. In order to bridge the gap of knowledge, this study attempts to clarify the effect of IOAM and SOAM on working performance, using task interdependence as a context variable to further understand the core implication of IOAM and SOAM. This study adopted Hierarchical Linear Model (HLM) to analyze 202 subordinates’ data (nested in 87 supervisors). Results showed that there is a positive effect of IOAM on job performance and creative performance. In addition, the positive relationship would only be observed under low level of task interdependence. On the other hand, there is no relationship between SOAM and job performance. Surprisingly, negative relationship between SOAM and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) was found, and the relationship maintained even at high level of task interdependence. Therefore, further analysis was done and revealed that only in the context with high job autonomy, SOAM would positively influence work performance. Finally, the research results, extra analyze results, theoretical and practical implication, limitation and future direction are discussed.


吳志文、葉光輝 (2011)。雙元自主性的共存與範疇優勢性運作機制:以訊息區辨表現降低共同方法變異。「中華心理學刊」,53(1),59-77。
