  • 學位論文


The Study of Implementation Performance and Future Strategies of Build-Operate-Transfer Policy in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳俊忠博士
共同指導教授 : 黃崇興博士


所謂的BOT是指「興建-營運-移轉(Build-Operate-Transfer)」,是民間企業與政府約定,由企業興建公共建設,並取得經營權,在一定特許經營年限之後移轉該公共建設所有權給政府。提到BOT,大夥腦中浮現的印象一定是台灣高鐵。沒錯,台灣高鐵是台灣地區第一個BOT案。從1997年台灣高鐵聯盟以「政府0出資」拿下高鐵BOT標案至今快20年,期間的風風雨雨、幾經波折,其實也讓BOT與政商勾結劃上等號,各界對BOT始終都帶著有色的眼鏡看待之。 這是怎麼一回事?不是說BOT由民間出資、政府特許營運,一定期間後再移轉給政府,政府可以不用費心籌措建設經費,還可以增加稅收?人民可以享有更好服務又不致增加稅負?業者可藉由特許,長期經營而獲利?一個明明可以創造三贏的妙計,怎麼變成了全輸? 這樣看待BOT是否公平?BOT就只能是政商勾結的代名詞嗎?筆者想要從一個實際參與BOT標案的參與者的角色,用實務的角度來切入BOT,檢視台灣地區的BOT案在執行面上出了什麼問題?該如何改進?這是筆者撰寫此一論文的初衷,以實務經營BOT的經驗出發,相信更能窺得整個BOT運作的內部精髓,提出相關建言,以造福民眾福祉、提升政府效率。 國外的BOT立意良善,為何在台灣會如此荒腔走板,因此拿海科館、海生館這兩個實際參與的相關案例來看,個案寫完後做比較,然後回頭從商業角度、政治的層面以及自身的實際參與營運經驗出發,探討我們該做什麼樣的調整。討論之前,有個前提必須先建立,為何需要以BOT方式來推動公共建設,很大一個關鍵就是:國庫入不敷出、投資公共建設無以為繼,因此只好引進民間資金投入公共建設。 最後提出研究的結論,BOT是獎勵民間參與公共建設的其中一部份,在國外,已經不提BOT了,而是談PPP或是PFI。PFI為Private Finance Initiative簡稱,亦稱 「民間融資提案制度」。PFI起源於英國,在國外行之有年,並已有相當成效。PFI指政府與民間機構間以長期契約方式約定,由民間機構投資興建公共設施資產,於營運期間政府再向民間機構購買符合約定品質的公共服務,並給付相對費用。而PPP為Public Private Partnership的簡稱,稱為「公私夥伴關係」。 回歸BOT本質,目的在於提升公共服務水準、加速社會經濟發展。台灣民間有很多資金,但導入公共建設的很少,希望能將資金適當導入公共建設,並藉由民間的創意及效率提升公共建設水準,是政府推動BOT所要達到的目的。未來可以思考如何透過PPP的公私合作,進而共創多贏。


BOT OT 公私合作 民間參與公共建設 PFI


Ever since the Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR), the first Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) project in Taiwan, began its passenger service in 2007, the term BOT has been regarded as an equivalent of collusion between the government and the business sector. What went wrong with BOT despite all its good intentions? The main reason why BOT is indispensable for the construction of infrastructure lies in the fact that the government has to introduce private infrastructure investment due to its lack of fund. This thesis intends to examine the status quo of the implementation performance of BOT projects in Taiwan from the perspective of a tenderer of the BOT projects in Taiwan. National Museum of Marine Science and Technology and National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium will be used as case studies, analyzed in business, political and operational dimensions, so as to explore the necessary adjustments to be made. BOT, a means of encouraging private investment in infrastructure, has been substituted by Public Private Partnership (PPP) or Private Finance Initiative (PFI). PFI, originated in U.K., is a procurement method which uses private sector capacity and public resources in order to deliver public sector infrastructure and/or services according to a specification defined by the public sector, while PPP is a government service or private business venture that is funded and operated through a partnership of government and one or more private sector companies. The nature of BOT is to promote the standard of public service and to accelerate the development of economy of the society. In Taiwan, the private investment in infrastructure still leaves much to be desired. In the future, we have to take into consideration how to encourage private investment in infrastructure and to create a win-win situation through Public Private Partnership.


鍾道明,2012,「臺灣高鐵BOT案決策之研究」,逢甲大學人文社會學院,逢甲人文社會學報,第24期,2012 年6月,第165-218頁。
林淑馨,2005,「日本型公私協力之析探:以第三部門與 PFI為例」,公共行政學報,第16期,頁1-31。
