  • 學位論文


Changing Order: Confucian ethics narrative in Li Yu’s vernacular stories

指導教授 : 潘少瑜




明清之際 李漁 話本小說 三綱 無聲戲 十二樓


This article will examine how Li Yu's vernacular stories "Silent Opera", "Silent Opera II" (無聲戲一、二集), and "Twelve Towers"(十二樓) show the relationship between ruler and subject, father and son, husband and wife. The morality between three relationship is called “Three Principles of Social Order”(三綱), which is regarded as the basic constitution of Chinese society. In transitional Period of Ming and Qing Dynasty, Ethic theme included “Three Principles of Social Order” is important in the short vernacular stories. After the traumatic Ming-Qing dynastic transition, is the depict of relationship between the ruler and subject, the father and the son, and the husband and wife still the same? Or it is changing in some way? This article will answer these questions by analyzing Li Yu's vernacular stories. In order to understand the particularity of Li Yu's way of depicting the relationship between human relations, I will read the stories of the earlier or contemporaneous period, including the “San Yen”(三言)and “Er Pai”(二拍) of the late Ming Dynasty, and the stories of the Ming-Qing transitional period including “Bell in the Sill Night”(清夜鐘), “West Lake story second collection”(西湖二集) and so on. This article will discuss similar "narrative modes" between Li Yu’s stories and these stories. The narrative modes I discussed is including the “Ruler give beauty to his subject”, “Father and Son’s reunion”, “Son’s Filial Quest”, “Maids become a Wife”. These kinds of narrative mode can be seen in Li Yu's stories and the collection of stories in the late Ming and Ming-Qing transition period. These stories follow the existing narrative tradition, or continue it, or transform it. From the path of continuation or transformation, we can see how Li Yu changed the ethical order in the stories.


Li Yu Moralty Loyalty Filial Silent Opera Twelve Towers


〔漢〕劉向著,向宗魯校釋:《說苑校證》(北京 : 中華書局,1987年)。
〔唐〕范攄撰:《雲溪友議》,收入《愧郯錄 雲溪友議 雲仙雜記》,《四部叢書續刊》(五四)(上海:上海書店,1984年)
