  • 學位論文

對東南亞的媒體再現與偏見: 以臺灣四大報對菲律賓的報導為例

Media representation and bias against Southeast Asia: Analysis of Taiwan's media coverage of Filipinos

指導教授 : 劉好迪


為了解台灣媒體針對菲律賓和菲律賓人的報導再現,本研究蒐集聯合報、中國時報、自由時報、蘋果日報於2008年到2018年間出版的相關新聞,作為研究樣本,探索以下五大問題:四家報紙報導的情感取向、聚焦的重點新聞主題、報導情感顯著轉變的時間點、報導使用的消息來源、各家報紙所著重的報導面向。 研究發現,台灣四大報報導菲律賓時,多採取負面、具爭議性的報導調性,聚焦的主題則為跨國衝突,如國際上遣送、漁權和領土等爭議問題。消息來源方面,四家報紙大量引用來自政府的官方資訊,間接縮減了菲律賓人在新聞中的話語權。論及四大報所著重的報導面向,則大致符合四家報紙傳統的報導風格。 基於上述發現,本研究證實了以下假說:台灣四大報報導菲律賓的風格類似,尤其是情感取向和報導中常用的關鍵字。不過,本研究的另一個假說,只獲得部分的證據支持,亦即台、菲之間的國際衝突,會導致四大報以負面口吻,長時間報導菲律賓的相關議題。本研究認為,除了國際關係之外,媒體組織、國家內部的政經情勢,也是影響報導取向的重要因素。


To understand Taiwan’s media representation of the Philippines and the Filipinos, the present study took related news articles published between 2008 and 2018 by the United Daily News, China Times, Liberty Times and Apple Daily as samples, and proposed five research questions to know the outlets’ emotional intent in their coverage, important news topics, significant rises and falls of sentiment scores during the timeline studied, the sources cited in articles, and the distinct focuses of different newspapers. The study shows that in general, the four newspapers presented the image of the Southeast Asian nation in rather controversial, negative tones and focused on issues regarding international conflicts, especially those regarding Taiwan’s extradition, fishing and territorial disputes. The four outlets also deploy an overwhelming number of government sources in related news stories, limiting the power of individual Filipinos to voice for themselves even in topics they play important roles. As for the focus among the newspapers, the differences roughly follow the outlet’s traditional news reporting styles. The findings of the present study support the hypothesis which assumes the four media outlets present similar tones when reporting things about the Philippines, both in terms of the news' emotional intent and distinct usage of words with high keyness scores. However, the hypothesis that expects international conflicts lead to negative sentiments in news covering the Philippines for an extended period of time is only partly supported, and other organizational and socio-political factors in addition to international relations should be taken into consideration.


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