  • 學位論文


Policy Analysis on Philippines and China’ s Disputes over South China Sea:Perspective of Constructivism

指導教授 : 李明


菲律賓與中共的關係在艾奎諾三世政府時期,因為黃岩島事件與南海仲裁案的展開而相當惡化,當時的南海情勢、南海國家與中共關係也十分緊張;然而,在南海仲裁案結果出爐後,菲律賓在裁決結果對其有利的情況下,新上任的杜特蒂政府卻採取的「遠美親中」的外交政策,對南海議題的態度也趨於軟化,與前任政府的政策作為相較,可說是產生了政策「急轉彎」。 本文以建構主義途徑,試圖去解釋菲律賓對中共在南海問題上的外交政策轉變,認為菲「中」雙方在東協多邊外交機制的參與過程中,在經濟和政治上都對彼此塑造了新的身份認同、規範與文化,因此對菲律賓的外部環境創造了認同。菲律賓因此展開了與中共的全面經濟合作,在南海問題上也開始有了明顯的政策調整,具體的例子即是2017年在東協10+1峰會上宣布東協國家與中共展開《南海行為準則》的協商。 此外,建構主義途徑也解釋了權力政治對菲律賓外交政策的影響,認為雖然美、日等區域國家會透過拉攏菲律賓、展開經濟與軍事合作的方式來圍堵中共在南海的擴張,卻不能因此左右菲律賓的外交政策,因為權力政治的因素只能塑造菲律賓的外部環境與認同,但菲律賓的內部認同也影響了杜特蒂政府外交政策,重視經濟發展的政策目標則讓菲律賓的內部認同傾向從中共身上得到經濟利益,加上外部環境與中共的經貿互賴、東協多邊外交機制下的互動,最終導致了菲律賓新政府的南海政策調整。


The Philippines’ relations with China have experienced turbulence under Benigno Aquino III administration, with the occurrence of various controversies and disputes in the South China Sea. In 2017, the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) under the United Nations ruled in favor of the Philippines in its arbitration case against China over the South China Sea; however, the Philippines’ president Rodrigo Duterte has carried out a stunning U-turn in Philippines’ foreign policy since assuming office, making overtures towards China while berating traditional ally the United States. I tried to use a Constructivist perspective in IR to analyze the Philippines’ foreign policy changing, considering that the ASEAN Way of multilateral consensus helped the Philippines and China to build the new external identity, norms and culture by continuing interactions between each other under the process of regional economic integration. The two nations then started the comprehensive economic cooperation. In terms of the South China Sea disputes, the Philippines had a policy adjustment. For example, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations(ASEAN) and China announced the start of negotiations for a proposed code of conduct in the South China Sea before the end of 2017. The Constructivist approach also explained that how the factor of power politics can affect the Philippines’ foreign policy. According to the Constructivism, factors that decided the Philippines’ foreign policy came from internal and external identities, and the factor of power politics constructed only part of external identity of the Philippines. Therefore, the United States and Japan could not dominate the Philippines’ external behavior though the two powers had been cozying up with the Philippines by increasing their economic and military cooperation in order to contain the rising China. In fact, the Philippines’ external identity included power politics, economic interdependence(with China), international norms(the ASEAN way), etc. Besides, the Philippines’ internal identity, including people’s expectation to economic growth and hatred to the birthright politics, also played an important role on forming the Philippines’ foreign action. It’s the combination of the external and internal identities resulted in the “U-turn” of the Philippines’ foreign policy under the Duterte’s administration.


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