  • 學位論文


The Relationship Between Environmental Awareness and Environmental Behaviors:An Empirical Study on Metropolitan Region in Taiwan

指導教授 : 楊豐安


十八世紀的工業革命以後,科技進步為人類帶來繁榮與生活便利,然而近年來因為人類的過度開發與環境破壞,導致全球暖化出現與極端氣候發生,也因此環境保護的議題變成這世代的重要的全球議題。隨著環境的劇烈改變,漸漸的人類開始反思人類與自然環境之間的關係,也因此民眾的環境意識開始逐漸形成,而各界也開始對於改善環境問題進行研究,由於環境問題主要源自於人類的行為,因此對於環境行為的探討成為本世紀熱門的研究議題。然而有關環境行為的討論,主要多針對特定類型的環境行為,像是綠色消費與使用行為,鮮少有對不同類型的環境行為進行討論,因此為彌補過往研究不足,本研究將針對不同類型的環境行為進行研究,並加入環境意識與家計特徵變數,了解主要影響台灣民眾的環境行為因素。 本研究利用中研院 1996 年所調查之台灣地區家戶垃圾製造、回收行為、與垃圾收費意見調查問卷,以 20 歲至 74 歲之台灣都會區民眾為研究對象,共有 603 筆樣本,利用Probit model 與 Linear Probability Model 對環境意識與環境行為之間影響性進行相關研究。實證結果發現環境意識對私領域環境行為有正向顯著影響,且當中消費與使用類型之環境行影響結果較為顯著,而環境意識對公共領域各項環境行為與整體環境行為並沒有顯著影響。家計特徵變數方面,私領域環境行為方面,女性發生環境行為顯著高於男性約 0.467 單位,而教育程度與家庭人數對環境行為之影響多為顯著正相關,然而公共領域的環境行為估計結果多為不顯著影響。 最後本研究認為,由於環境意識對私領域環境行為影響顯著正相關,因此政府應該多加強對民眾環境意識的宣導與建立,增加民眾環境意識進而提高環境行為的發生,而其他受環境意識影響不顯著類型之環境行為,可透過調查了解其他可能影響環境行為發生之因素,像是對於民眾之交通行為,可以了解民眾住家與工作場所的距離,進行大眾運輸工具之路線規劃與綠色交通工具的地點設置,看是否能提高民眾綠色交通行為的發生。


After the industrial revolution of the eighteenth century, technological progress has brought prosperity and convenience to human. However, due to over-exploitation and environmental destruction, global warming and extreme weather have occurred, so environmental protection has become an important global issue to our generations. With dramatic changes in the environment, people began to put the relationship between human beings and the natural environment into consideration, and the environmental awareness began to grow up. Since then studies on improving the environment have been widely carried out., Needless to say, environmental problems mainly originated from human’s behaviors, so the discussion of environmental behaviors has become a popular issue during this century. However, the discussion about environmental behaviors so far mainly focuses on specific types of environmental behaviors, such as green consumption and usage behaviors. Therefore, in order to make up for the lack of past research, this study will target different types of research on environmental behaviors, and by adding environmental awareness and family property variables into the estimation, we can understand what kind of environmental behavior factors have impact on Taiwanese people. This study used the questionnaires on household manufacturing, recycling, and garbage collection surveys conducted by the Academia Sinica in 1996. The survey was conducted in Taiwan metropolitan areas between the ages of 20 and 74. A total of 603 samples were used, and were put into estimation using Probit model and the Linear Probability Model to seethe relationship between environmental awareness and environmental behavior. The empirical results show that environmental awareness has a significant positive impact on the environmental behavior in the private sector, and the environmental impacts of consumption and use types are more significant among all types of behaviors , while environmental awareness has no significant impact on the environmental behaviors and overall environmental behaviors in the public sector. In terms of household characteristics, especially for environmental behaviors in the private sector, women's environmental behaviors are significantly higher than that of men's 0.467 units, while education and the number of family members have a significant positive correlation with environmental behaviors. However, the environmental behaviors estimates in the public sector are mostly insignificant. Finally, this study believes that environmental awareness has a significant positive correlation with environmental behaviors in the private sector, the government should strengthen the publicity and establishment of environmental awareness, in order to increase the occurrence of environmental behaviors. Other types of environmental behaviors that are insignificant with environmental awareness can be further studied by investigating other factors that may affect the occurrence of environmental behaviors, such as the traffic behavior of the people, the distance between the people's residence and workplace, the route planning of mass transit vehicles and the green transportation. By doing so, we can see if it can improve people's green traffic behaviors.


吳忠宏,2006。「生態旅遊知覺, 態度與行為之因果關係研究:以荒野保護協會會員為例」,『造園景觀學報』,12卷,3期,41-62。
