  • 學位論文

集團型企業經營發展策略之研究 — 以S集團為例

The Strategyic Analysis of the Growth in Group Corporation Level: A Case Study of S Group Corporation

指導教授 : 陳忠仁 孔令傑


經過三十年的努力,日本軟銀集團成功從一個PC雜誌出版社成長為全球前十大的電信集團公司,集團年營收近十兆日圓,集團經營的領域包含電信產業、網路服務業及晶片產業等不同領域。這段從電信—網路—未來科技的企業轉型過程其規模之大、跨界之廣已成為商場的傳奇故事,個人希望本研究的文獻資料及結論能成為其他企業後續整合、轉型的參考。 本研究採用個案研究的方式,分析軟銀集團及主要事業體的事業發展策略。透過五力分析模型找到產業的關鍵因素,再藉由個案背景及經營現況分析得出企業核心能力,依核心能力不同的組合得出競爭優勢及軟銀的事業成長模式,最後利用BCG矩陣分析及波特競爭策略分析找出集團及各事業體的發展策略及競爭策略。 透過本研究得知,企業在面對競爭激烈且變化快速的市場,「差異化」仍是最主要的競爭策略。企業將資源投資在差異化,一方面可以使公司免於價格戰的威脅,另一方面可以快速清楚地在市場上凸顯企業價值,而企業若要確保市場差異化的行動取得成功,過程中必需在決策、執行、組織及資源部分等活動進行檢討與改善,無形之中也對經營團隊及公司管理進行強化與改造,同時在企業內部及外部形成優勢,提昇企業總體的競爭力。


After relentless efforts during the past 30 years, Softbank Group Corp. which formed in Japan has transformed successfully from a computer magazine publisher to a global top-10 telecom group. The company’s business scope includes telecom, internet services and IC segments currently which performed over 10 trillion yen revenue yearly. I’m interested in the legend story of Softbank Transformation and I hope my investigation can be valuable for those who need it. My thesis adopted “Case Study” method to figure out the competition strategy for individual segment of Softabnk. First of all, I used Porter's Five Forces Model to find out the key successful factors. Secondly, I analyzed the Softbank’s performance and history to generate the company’s core competences and advantages. Thirdly, I used BCG matrix analysis method to get the company’s strategy for future competitions. Through my research, I learned the enterprise always adopted “The Differentiation Strategy” to compete against the strict environment. The differentiation enablement owing to the enterprise investment will bring two benefits, one is to prevent from a price war, and the other is easy to promote brand value than other competitors. The keys to make differentiation strategy work are to enhance the capabilities of decision making, operating executions, organizations and resources management. In the end, the company takes the advantages from both of the internal and external improvement activities.


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