  • 學位論文


New Business Development within a Mature Organization: A Case Study of L Group

指導教授 : 吳學良


「不創新,就死亡。」已被企業界視為真理。創新的過程固然有許多風險、不確定性以及挫折存在,在事業的摸索過程中亦需要付出很多的學習成本,諸如財務狀況不佳、事業無競爭能力、市場需求不顯著等均是。唯如果一味守陳,企業卻必然邁向衰退最後被社會淘汰。此被淘汰狀況甚且及會危及原本獲益穩定之成熟企業。在擁有穩定獲利且業務持續成長的情況下,即要去思考可能的衰退到來以把握時機進行轉型。 本研究以1968年創立於台灣彰化的L公司(LCM)為研究標的。該企業從制模起家,接受全球客戶委託設計,並承製各型模具的開發製造。 然經過半世紀之努力與創新,由地方性公司變身成為全球性之企業,並開始了電子鎖的新創事業期待為成熟企業創造第二成長曲線。 本研究以個案研究方式,對L公司進行研究,以期理解並深入其如何成熟事業體之上發展新事業。本研究之發現以及結論,共有三點。 一、版圖擴充之路徑需依賴其長期深耕之成熟事業基礎。 二、雙元性組織之領導力正向運用為是否能將傳統製造轉型成軟硬兼具之全球化企業的關鍵。 三、摸索是創新事業的一部份。社會情感財富在家族企業中乃維繫持續布局第二成長曲線之持續推動力量。


“Innovate or die." It has been regarded as a truth by the business circles. The process of innovation is full of risks, uncertainties, and setbacks. In the process of new business development also need to pay a lot of learning costs, such as poor financial situation, lack of competitiveness in the beginning, and market demand is not strong. If the enterprises keep executing in any old way, it will move towards recession and finally be eliminated by the industry. This phase-out situation is even more likely to endanger the mature enterprises that originally stably earn profits. With steady profits and the business growing, it is important to think about the coming of a possible recession to take advantage of the moment for transformation. This study takes the L Company (LCM), which was founded in 1968 in Changhua, Taiwan. The enterprise started from molding, it has been the ODM/OEM for global customers to help them develop and manufacture various types of molds. After half a century of efforts and creation, L company has grown from a local company to a global enterprise. Now it began a new business on the smart lock to seek for its 2nd curve on top of its mature business. This study conducts a case study on Company L intending to understand how it develops the new business beyond mature ones. There are three findings and conclusions of this study below: First of all, deepen cultivation in the mature business is the foundation of and path dependence of new business. Secondly, the positive and supportive leadership to an ambidextrous organization is the key to transform the traditional manufacturing company into a global enterprise with both hardware and software capability. Thirdly, innovate or die. Exploration is a part of the cause of innovation. Social-emotional wealth is the driving force of the second growth curve in a family business.


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