  • 學位論文


An Explorative Case Study on Organizational Change and Continuous Growth

指導教授 : 李吉仁


由於內外部環境的變化帶來不同的挑戰,企業的持續成長過程勢必無法避免組織變革,面對這些機會與挑戰,企業組織必須不斷調整組織來因應,這些調整包含了組織的合併與分割,而這些過程正伴隨著不同程度的變革管理需求。本論文研究利用一個深度的組織變革過程,探索組織變革能否成功的管理要件。 造成組織變革失敗的因素有很多,例如權利結構、組織規模、溝通、角色定位、組織成員的觀念、態度和行為、組織僵固性…等等,面對這些挑戰,組織管理者又該怎麼樣去面對與因應,以達到個人利益與組織利益的平衡,同時讓組織有足夠能力去面對下一個挑戰,並克服這些障礙,使組織與其他組織之間的關係,組織成員的觀念、態度和行為,成員之間的合作等,進行有目的的、系統的調整和革新,以適應組織所處的內外環境所需,最後能迎戰市場、提升高組織效能。 組織變革通常包含了提升組織績效的目的,如何在組織變革中帶入績效管理工具,如平衡計分卡,這樣的組織績效與策略管理工具,它將企業策略目標,逐層分解轉化為各種具體的相互連結與平衡的績效考核指標,並對這些指標的實現,從而為企業策略目標的完成建立起可靠的執行基礎,讓組織變革成功帶來助益。 本研究主要的目的是,透過探討D公司筆記型電腦類產品事業部,在面對外在市場快速成長、移動、變化,及競爭者強大的競爭下,如何透過組織變革來因應,並透過組織變革扭轉戰局,讓組織達到高績效,並維持市場競爭力,讓公司持續邁向成長。最後,本研究並將個案探索內容與組織變革的CSOP架構,亦即核心文化價值、策略佈局、組織結構與流程、領導與人才等四大構面,進行比對,整理可行的變革領導重點。


Constant changes due to internal and external environment brings up needs for organizational change. Facing both challenges and opportunities, companies have to adjust itself through redirecting strategy, calibrating organization structure in order to maintain continuous growth. The main purpose of this thesis is to explore some of practical managerial measures adopted in the process of organizational changes through an in-depth case study on a trouble-making department within the context of a large established corporation. There are many factors causing organization change failure; for example, organization structure, communication, people mindset, attitude, role and response…etc. One of the critical task for managers during change process is to align goals and interests between employees and the organization. By redefining performance contents in terms of hard measures and attitude and behaviors, change managers are able to ensure new strategies can be executed in an aligned and systematic manner. In order to further enhance organization performance, organization changes usually adopt performance management tools in different forms of score cards, which connect personal outcomes with the overall organization. The present thesis undertakes an in-depth case study based on a notebook computer business unit of a large power supply company (D Corp.). Due to a very significant quality failure occurred in the year of 2000, the case company decided to re-organize various business units that have engaged in designing and manufacturing notebook computers into one unified unit. Different culture and management style of these re-organized units were then potentially conflicting and organizational tension occurred accordingly. This induced high employee turnover rate in the following years. After a series of change efforts, the focal business unit was then recovered with expected performance and eventually sustained continuous growth. Based on the case exploration, we synthesize findings into the CSOP framework, i.e., Culture, Strategy, Organization, and People. Discussion on the findings and managerial implications are also provided.


Organizational Change Core Values Strategy


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