  • 學位論文

J. Dewey在Chicago早期的知識脈絡之闡釋

The Illuminating as Resuming of J. Dewey’s Epistemology in Early Chicago Period

指導教授 : 楊申語、周繼祥


《J. Dewey 在Chicago 早期的知識脈絡之闡釋》本文第一章緒論,說明研究動機和研究目的,並指出拙文研究主題與問題意識的初衷,是以J. Dewey1893-1894 年在密西根往Chicago轉向時期的文本,和J. Dewey 在約翰.霍普金斯大學撰寫博士論文時期所寫的〈新心理學〉等文本出發,對照說明J. Dewey 的知識基礎和脈絡開展。第二章論J. Dewey 和鄰近二十世紀美國的學術環境。依序先討論清教徒文明、新英格蘭和鄰近二十世紀美國學術環境,再以賓夕法尼亞無宗派教育與宗教自由的二個事例,說明J. Dewey 和美國教育體制的民主共和的自由理念之歷史和思想背景。其後,從1883-1885 年在北大西洋和歐陸影響的約翰.霍普金斯大學,師承模里司和霍珥,論J. Dewey 試著調和、復歸著自然科學實驗和思想理論發展的知識脈絡。第三章討論J. Dewey1894-1904 年的局部文本和時代。先是提及J. Dewey 所受北大西洋往新英格蘭、歐陸─尤以德國觀念論影響的啟蒙與理性化之思想發展傳承,在南北戰爭與一戰之間的變動時局,學習和研究對於以啟蒙理性論證非理性存有的實際思想─行動關聯。再者,以「益智厚生」和「以沙懵眼」的理念,以及大學與兒童學問(child-study)的探索,認識J. Dewey 在這個時期的理論發展。第四章是J. Dewey 論「映弧」(reflex arc)的知識脈絡。拙文由J. Dewey在Chicago 早期對於當時實驗心理學和基礎生理學的映弧學說的不同想法,說明以知識探索理性無法完全解釋的啟示。循此,以J. Dewey 對映弧的解釋,來討論自然知識。從而以J. Dewey在Chicago 早期對兒童知識探索的文本,討論他這個時期的知識理論、思路,與「映弧」論證相關聯的非單一學科的學說和知識脈絡。這一章的最後,則以J. Dewey 對「映弧」和兒童知識探 索的文本,討論拙文所述「隱身的虛線」,是不是足堪作為解釋J. Dewey 以「映弧」作為「普及工作的預設」,和認為「民主」相似、鄰近、等於「啟示」(revelation)的知識理念。第五章,以J. Dewey 對學科與自然知識的論證闡釋存有。拙文在此的論證是,從J. Dewey 的〈文化紀元論〉,探討兒童、學科和時程的調映、關聯;以J. Dewey〈這個世界和個人〉實際的自然知識理念對存有論的器識論之闡釋。文末,略論採「實用主義」和「工具論」傳講J. Dewey 在 Chicago 早期知識脈絡所遺落的「實際論」和存有論的「器識論」意義,和其局限。第六章以理念與調和、思想與行動、自由和社群,就Chicago 早期1895-1898 年學說與環東亞的知識脈絡關聯之概括論述,論J. Dewey 於紐約前後的思路與本文關聯。整本論文依J. Dewey 在Chicago1894-1904 年前後,尤以他早期的著作,闡釋關聯的知識脈絡。


杜威 知識論 兒童學問 映弧 1895-1898


The main contents of this dissertation in the long run were interpreted in traditional Mandarin on the basis of tonic culture for us Pacific Asian. The abstract thus is as the humble hope of our intelligible tolerance by re-initiating J. Dewey’s epistemology in that periodic Chicago, and somehow be more than just peripheral to Asian. The spirit of traditional Protestantism and Puritanism embraced the academic freedom of early American colleges. Scriptural edification had been ever communicant on campus. The non-denominational rationale, maybe a soft line of the pragmatic deliberation, had become more knowing such as the public good of Pennsylvanians. After studying the Continental theories, such as The New Psychology, which J. Dewey was immersed in at the Johns Hopkins, neither being a sudden proselyte nor persevering as hard and fast, to discern J. Dewey’s idea and discourse in late 1890s is essential, especially the epistemic implications between thought and action. J. Dewey tried to figure out his diversified and multi-disciplinary approaches by pedagogy, as well as philosophy and psychology. He remained at the University of Chicago during the years from 1895 to 1898, up to 1904 before his enrolling in the University of Columbia. So many academic interests varied he pursued; however, it was not a process of diffusion. Child-study, elementary education, reflex arc, and the quest for contemporary revelation, irrational or reasonable, off and on the democratic and republic constitution, were justifiable as possible. According to some articles enclosed in the dissertation with specific references of J. Dewey’s works collected by the Southern Illinois University, a few arguments are illustrative. One came from The Significance of the Problem of Knowledge, et cetera, which implied that "knowledge is a statement of action" with proper means to be found of modern science. In The Psychological Aspect of School Curriculum, et cetera, J. Dewey found the dilemma between psychological learning and intellectual understanding. There was a demand of co-ordination, as he searched in psychology, so that a learner would be capable of expressing her/himself as realizing some public ends. His comprehension of child-study and scientific empiricism were not existed separately. Through sociology and psychology, Dewey found a way to master and go beyond from philosophy to modern scientific explorations via approvable procedures like the methodological problems and social ethics. As McKenzie said, "a sociology which contributed to the subject-matter and a psychology which provided the method, met in education." Self-realization is individual where civilization is from the social. Psychological and sociological issues are more realistic in daily life than metaphysics and epistemology here. Social ethics then is "an inquiry of the particular values" ought to be realized. The conformable as prerequisite contents of Middle Ages are enclosed as omnipresent in the dissertation. For our oncoming generations, coordinating from some ideas of J. Dewey across the Pacific states is significant. Exempli gratia, Scriptures that J. Dewey mentioned often in Minnesota and Michigan before the Chicago years, along of the cultural family of linguistics in orient or western Pacific Asia could be juvenescent by the study of contemporary development. More than one hundred years before, the ROC J. Dewey was staying, as the very limited democratic regime of republic domain in Asia, could be elaborated together with the scientific innovation of some distinguished epistemic societies nearby. To initiate a scholastic as ministerial portion like tropical and sub-tropical knowledge, as an ordinary or laboratory sample, in our colleges and universities could be principal to acknowledge the future of the Pacific Asian puzzle from the cosmic wisdom of other states, including the institutes with devotions to the development of epistemology of higher education in our small but beautiful planet.


J. Dewey epistemology child-study reflex arc 1895-1898


楊貞德。1999 ,〈進化與自由--胡適自由主義中的歷史觀及其意涵〉,中研院《中國文哲研究集刊》,第14 期,頁257-324。
