  • 學位論文


An evaluation of a subject-based interface for metasearch in public libraries-a case study of Taipei municipal library

指導教授 : 唐牧群


過去關於電子資源整合查詢系統的使用者研究多是以大學或學術圖書館場域為主。然而,相較學術圖書館而言,公共圖書館的使用者類型更為多元,且多缺乏電子資源與資料庫架構的知識,因此在資源的選擇上可能需要更多的協助。 因此,本研究以臺北市立圖書館安裝的Hyint2.0電子資源整合查詢系統為例,先以參考館員透過卡片分類法,設計以主題分類與預設資源選擇之實驗介面,以協助使用者在查詢首頁的資源選擇。之後再招募北市圖讀者為實驗法之受試者,其需分別操作2種介面與指定任務後分別填答個別介面問卷,用以評估實驗介面較原始介面是否表現出更佳之效能、效率與滿意度,並輔以檢索歷程記錄,以觀察受試者在實驗過程的行為與反應;其次,在完成所有任務之後須填寫整體系統問卷並進行結構式訪談,以瞭解使用者對個別介面與系統整體之主觀看法與意見回饋。 本研究根據個別介面的問卷結果,顯示受試者在主觀效能、效率與滿意度的評比具有顯著差異,且實驗介面較原始介面的表現更佳;再計算任務完成時間與更換檢索策略之次數,顯示介面差異在客觀效率之評比達顯著水準,亦為實驗介面較原始介面之表現更省時省力;然而,根據2位圖資專家評析任務產出之結果來測量客觀效能之表現,卻顯示介面差異未達顯著水準。整體而言,公共圖書館讀者認同實驗介面較原始介面有更佳之效能、效率與滿意度;在系統整體的評析中,雖提出7項使用問題,但仍在整體好用性表現上給予肯定。


Past usability studies of metasearch systems have been so far mostly conducted in the academic library context, the results of which might not be applicable to public libraries where the users are much more diverse and generally lack the knowledge about the electronic databases. Using the Hyint 2.0 metasearch system currently available through Taipei Municipal Library as an example, the study proposed a subject-based interface for metasearch system that aims at lowering the cognitive burden for users who are not familiar with online databases. An experimental interface was constructed based on the results of a card sorting study of five reference librarians. A usability study was then conducted, firstly, to compare the performance between the proposed and baseline interfaces; and secondly, to identify usability issues the users might have with the metasearch system. A total of 24 public library users participated in the study, in which they were asked to perform four assigned tasks alternately with the two interfaces. Users’ interactions were logged and their attitudes toward the two interfaces were elicited by the post-search questionnaire. A post-search interview was also conducted with a view to understanding users’ reaction to the metasearch function in general. Furthermore, their search results were judged by the experts as a measurement of system effectiveness. The results show that the proposed interface performed significantly better in all but the search result measure. While in general the users have a favorable attitude toward the meta-search function, seven usability issues were identified for the improvement of the system.


Alling, E. N., R. (2007). Protocol analysis of a federated search tool: Designing for users. Internet Reference Services Quarterly, 12(1-2), 195-210.
