  • 學位論文


Usability Test of Library Metasearch System: A Case Study of National Taiwan University Library’s Muse Search

指導教授 : 吳明德


整合查詢系統以單一介面檢索多種異質資料庫,近年來已受到圖書館重視,許多圖書館皆安裝系統彙整館內及館外資源,以提供整合查詢服務,然而目前相關之使用者研究尚屬缺乏。是故,本研究以臺灣大學圖書館安裝之Muse整合查詢系統為例,由使用者角度探討其好用性,包括效率、效能、容易學習程度、吸引性及錯誤容忍程度五個面向,以供未來系統修改之參考。 本研究採用觀察法及訪談法蒐集使用者對Muse整合查詢系統之意見,徵集10位分布於人文、社會、自然科學、生物醫學、工程技術領域的臺灣大學研究生為受測者,給予四項指定之查詢任務,並於過程中觀察記錄受測者與系統互動情形。測試結束後進行結構式訪談,訪談內容包括對系統好用性之看法、建議及滿意程度,以了解受測者的主觀想法。 彙整觀察及訪談的結果,本研究依據好用性的五個面向加以闡述結論。在系統效率面向上,本研究發現:一、Muse整合查詢系統的效率難以依據查詢任務完成時間判定;二、由訪談內容中可判斷,效能並非是令人完全滿意。在系統效能面向上,共有五點結論:一、Muse整合查詢系統整體而言能達到選擇查詢範圍、個人化設定、整理檢索結果、以及處理檢索結果的效能;二、各功能中以去除重複、設定個人資料庫的效能最高;三、能讓多數受測者接觸到新資料庫,引起使用興趣;四、能檢索出令多數受測者滿意的結果;五、能達到整合查詢的效能。在容易學習面向上,共有四點結論:一、多數受測者認為操作十分容易,但功能位置是造成較難學習的原因;二、導覽列使用之術語令多數受測者不解;三、資源群組的展示方式不夠清晰,不便於使用;四、整體畫面配置與資訊呈現尚屬清晰。在吸引性面向上,共有三點結論:一、建立個人化資料庫以及去除重複功能最受喜愛;二、檢索時間雖會令受測者不耐,但整體而言多數受測者的使用心情偏向正面;三、多數受測者喜歡Muse系統,並願意再次使用。在錯誤容忍面向上,共有二點結論:一、半數受測者認為系統未能提供適當幫助,或是協助不夠;二、缺乏即時指引,協助功能的位置不當以及使用說明太過艱澀,造成受測者無法獲得協助。 根據結論,本研究針對Muse電子資源整合查詢系統提出四點建議:一、改善資訊呈現方式;二、新增或修改系統功能;三、增加系統能提供之協助;四、修改難懂之術語。


Metasearch systems perform simultaneous searches across heterogeneous electronic resources through a single entry. In order to serve users, more and more libraries install metasearch systems to integrate their resources. However, only a few user studies of such systems have been conducted. This study aims to investigate the usability of Muse Search, the metasearch system which installed in National Taiwan University Library, and to understand users’ viewpoints toward this system. Five components of usability were analyzed: efficient, effective, learnable, engaging, and error. Observations and interviews were conducted in this study. Ten graduate students from the fields of humanities, social science, nature science, life science, and engineering science were solicited in the study. Students were requested to achieve four tasks. While they searching through Muse Search, researcher observed their behaviors and took notes. After tasks were completed, students were interviewed by asking questions concerning the usability of Muse Search. Their comments and satisfaction level were also collected. The conclusions were divided into 5 components of usability. In the efficient part, results indicated that the efficiency of Muse Search could not be judged by time. In the effective part, there are five conclusions: 1. In Muse Search, users could choose several databases to search, set personal work place, organize search results, and obtain results effectively. 2. De-duplication and setting personal database list are the most effective functions. 3. Muse Search helps students to learn more relevant databases and they are willing to use those databases again. 4. Students are satisfied with the search results of Muse Search. In the learnable part, there are four conclusions: 1. Muse Search is easy to use to most students, however some function icons are hard to discover, making it unlearnable. 2. The terminologies used in the toolbar can not be understood by most students. 3. The display of resource groups is not clear enough. 4. Half of students pointed out that the whole system interface design is easy to learn. In the engaging part, there are three conclusions: 1. Students like personal database list and de-duplication. 2. Half of students feel impatient when waiting for search results, but most of them still have positive attitudes throughout the process. 3. Most students like Muse Search and are willing to use it again. In the error part, results indicated that half of students could not receive appropriate help service due to lack of instant instructions, improper location of help icon, and the inappropriate content in help screen. According to the findings of this study, suggestions to Muse Search are as follows: 1. to revise improper display of information in Muse Search. 2. To add new search functions, or revise old ones to meet users’ needs. 3. To improve help service. 4. To revise terminologies which are difficult to understand.


Metasearch Muse Search Usability test User study


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