  • 學位論文


Analyses of PESTELApplications on International Medical Services

指導教授 : 黃崇興


在全球服務貿易自由化趨勢下,「國際醫療」成為快速發展的新興產業。國家需要投入發展國際醫療產業,然而台灣在急起直追後,似乎進入窘境。故本研究旨在探討藉由與國際醫療相關人士訪談,利用PESTEL 模式對政治、經濟、社會、技術、環境與法律等層面進行策略分析,來確定這些因素的變化對台灣國際醫療發展戰略管理過程的影響,並提供給產業決策者來評估資源的合理有效運用。 研究結果以六大面向進行分析,於經濟面:台灣醫療單價比國際先進國家都要低廉,價格是強項。然而目前定價部分是各醫院自行定價,不利於長期市場經營。需要政府制定價格進行市場區隔。社會面:台灣是世界華人的國際醫療的首選,但缺乏對英語系和回教國家客戶之友善環境。於技術面:全球200大醫院中,台灣就佔14家,排名全球第3名,亞洲第1名,台灣發展國際醫療應享譽盛名並應致力發展特色國際醫療(如:整形外科,關節置換,臍帶血與器官移植),並與教育結合合作開發醫療器材,免於與其他國家削價競爭。於環境面:因台灣國際醫療的生態環境(Ecosystem)尚未建立,建議可比照新竹科學園區,引進產業聚落的觀念,並應修法讓國際醫療顧客能夠有更友善及彈性之規範。 綜觀而言,台灣發展國際醫療之過程之中,醫療技術方面具備與西方國家相當之國際醫療水準,期許本研究透過深度訪談協助政府建立台灣國際醫療生態系統,並於亞洲地區國際醫療佔有一席之地。


In the global trend of liberalization of trade in services, "international Medical service" has become a rapidly developing new industry. Countries need to invest in the development of the international medical industry, but Taiwan, after catching up, seems to enter the dilemma. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore the impact of these factors on the strategic management process of Taiwan's international medical development through interviews with international medical professionals and using the PESTEL model to conduct strategic analysis of political, economic, social, technical, environmental and legal aspects. And to provide industry decision-makers with the ability to assess the rational and efficient adjust of resources. The results for the PESTEL model analysis, in the economic side: Taiwan Medical Unit is cheaper than the international advanced countries. However, the current pricing is part of each hospital its own prices, is not conducive to long-term market operations. The government needs to set prices for market segmentation. Social aspects: Taiwan is the first choice for international medical world of the Chinese, but need to improve English-speaking and Muslim countries customer-friendly environment. On the technical side: The world's 200 largest hospitals, Taiwan accounted for 14, ranking the world's No. 3, Asia No. 1. Taiwan International Medical service develope with high reputation and should be committed to the development of international medical specialties (such as: plastic surgery, joint replacement, umbilical cord blood and organ transplantation). And health care industry should cooperate with the educational institutions to develop new medical equipment , drug industry. On the environmental side: because Taiwan's international medical ecological environment (Ecosystem) has not been established, the proposals of the introduction of industrial settlements concept can be compared Hsinchu Science Park. And amending the law should allow international medical customers to have more friendly and elasticity norms. To sum up, Taiwan's development of international medical process, the medical technology with the Western countries have considerable international medical standards,We hope that this study will help the Government to establish Taiwan's international medical ecosystem through in-depth interviews and take a place in international medical care in the Asian region.


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