  • 學位論文

消費者思考成本對非數位屬性產品獨佔廠商的通路與 定價策略之影響

Pricing and Distribution Strategies of the Non-Digital Product with Consumer Deliberation

指導教授 : 周善瑜


本文旨在探討當消費者對於產品有主觀的適合度(fitness)不確定性時,提供產品的獨佔廠商會如何決定在不同通路策略下的最適定價策略,此研究側重在不同的消費者思考成本水準(deliberation cost)與行銷環境對廠商決策的交互作用。廠商可以選擇採用網路通路與實體通路銷售產品,此研究假設廠商可以擇一採用單通路,或同時使用兩種通路。此外,對於消費者有三個假設:一為消費者因購買決策階段不同分為已決定的消費者(decided)和未決定(undecided)的消費者,且未決定要購買何項產品的消費者必須先透過實體通路確定產品是否符合自身的需要; 二為消費者在網路上無法得知自身對產品的適合度,但可以付出思考成本來得知自身對產品的效用,最後將顧客區分為高端消費者與低端消費者。本研究透過賽局模型分析得到的研究結果如下: 一、 即使採用傳遞產品非數位屬性不效率的網路通路,廠商補貼消費者思考成本並採用單一網路通路的利潤仍可能高於採用單一實體通路的利潤。 二、 雙通路策略可以發揮通路的區隔效果幫助廠商獲取最佳利潤,在實體通路可以訂高價榨取高端消費者,並在網路通路避免消費者付出思考成本,以高於低端消費者的願付價格服務到該群體。 三、 即使採用雙通路會失去在實體通路服務大量低端消費者的機會,採用雙通路的利潤仍可能高於採用單一實體服務所有消費者的利潤。 四、 即是發生展廳現象(Showrooming)讓未決定的消費者利用實體通路了解自身偏好並在網路上以低價採購,雙通路策略的利潤仍可能優於使高端消費者無法投機的單一實體通路策略。 五、 當廠商採用單一網路通路並避免消費者付出思考成本時,允許部分消費者退貨的定價策略可以讓廠商在退貨成本較低的情況下訂制更高的的網路價格。


This paper studies optimal pricing and distribution strategies when consumers need to incur deliberation cost online to uncover their subjective fitness. The retailer could either induce or prevent deliberation online to sell the product by adopting single channel or dual-channel (“bricks and clicks”). Several results are obtained. First, even though online-channel is not efficient to communicate non-digital attribute, adopting single online-channel might be more profitable than adopting single offline-channel when the fraction of undecided consumer is low and deliberation cost is high. Second, adopting dual-channel allows the retailer to implement price discrimina-tion, and the profit of adopting dual-channel might be higher than that of adopting sin-gle channel. In addition, social welfare may increase when the retailer changes from adopting single offline-channel to adopting dual-channel. Third, given that fact that a significant drawback of adopting dual-channel is that the retailer might lose huge amount of undecided low-valuation consumers, adopting dual-channel could be more profitable than single offline-channel, especially when the deliberation cost and the frac-tion of high-valuation consumers are high. In extensions, we found that adopting dual-channel could still be more profitable than adopting single offline-channel even show-rooming effect occurred, and the retailer could adopt single online-channel to set higher price by inducing return when preventing deliberation.


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