  • 學位論文


Atypical Employment in the Workforce Development Agency

指導教授 : 蘇彩足


政府為因應外在環境變遷及民眾需求,同時兼顧服務品質及減少財政負擔,嘗試思考公共事務推動是否均有由公務人員擔任之必要,進而發展出多元彈性的用人管道,使得非典型人力之運用、管理及勞動權益問題,成為備受關注的研究課題。 公部門運用非典型人力研究中,較少探討實務運用情形。因此,本研究嘗試蒐集過去文獻並整理我國學界關注重點,以勞動力發展署為研究對象,透過深度訪談方式,歸納機關運用非典型人力現況,並與文獻檢閱結果進行比較與討論。 研究發現非典型人力運用為員額管控下之必然結果,也確實有助於降低政府人事支出。但同時面臨人力運用法制規範分歧、機關內人員所得薪酬與承擔權責失衡、考績制度信效度不足且未能落實淘汰機制、及配合政策調整人力運用,卻演變為「假承攬、真派遣」等問題。 這些現象值得我們反思,當面臨員額限制時,更應避免基層人員負擔過多且不必要之繁冗瑣事。而在傳統行政機關體制之外,或可再行思索是否有引進企業管理精神,將較少涉及公權力行使之業務,轉由行政法人推動之可行性。


In response to changes in external environment and increasing needs of the people, Taiwan’s government agencies began experimenting with the practice of assigning public servants the roles of public affairs specialists—to interact with the general public and various organizations. As a result, the government needs to recruit people from a more diverse and flexible source, making the management and the labor rights of the “atypical manpower” an important subject for researchers. How public sectors deploy atypical manpower in practice is not widely studied, however. Through documentary analysis and in-depth interviews, this study attempts to collect data from Workforce Development Agency, Ministry of Labor and compares them to previous documents and studies. This study finds that as government agencies strive to reduces workforce, the introduction of atypical manpower becomes inevitable. This on one hand helps reduce the cost that the government incurs for its employees, while on the other hand gives rise to other issues: contradictory applicable laws, equal pay issues, justice in performance appraisal system, and the selection between contractual worker and dispatched labor, to name a few. This study ruminates on these issues and suggests that independent agencies be created to deal with certain operation functions of government ministries and agencies. Independent agency can adopt private sector management methods to introduce entrepreneurial practice and flair into traditional government administration. By doing so, basic level civil servants can be freed from unnecessary, menial work.


