  • 學位論文


The Analysis of Grassroots Civil Service in Function:A Case of Guishan Civil Affairs Bureau, Taoyuan, Taiwan.

指導教授 : 趙永茂
共同指導教授 : 邱榮舉(Rong-Jeo Chiu)


桃園市於103年升格改制為直轄市,原為公法人之鄉公所轉變為市政府的派出機關。改制後,先前為公所管轄之圖書館、清潔隊等,回歸市政府所管,區公所業務縮編,然而區公所內的里幹事業務不增反減,本研究透過文獻分析法、參與觀察法、深度訪談法,試圖從中探討里幹事在升格改制後遭遇的困境。 本文分為七章,第一章說明研究動機、目的、範圍及龜山區概況;第二章為相關研究回顧;第三章為確立本文之研究方法、研究範圍及對象;第四章則以區公所為改制為架構,分析歸納升格改制後里幹事的角色功能變化及區長官派對里幹事角色功能的影響;第五章以影響里幹事角色功能切入,分析各里差異及與區公所內部互動對里幹事角色功能的影響;第六章以目前Covid-19做為討論主軸,試圖分析里幹事在疫情中的角色功能並歸納其在工作中遇到的阻礙及限制;第七章為研究發現、研究建議及研究限制。 本文發現,升格改制後因區公所權限縮減,先承擔市政府新增之行政協助事項,原協助里辦公處業務時間縮減;權限限縮也影響到里長的意見在公所端無法有效發揮,致里長有「向上」反應的情況發生,影響區公所及里幹事的回應功能;區公所角色定位不明確,區公所、市政府之間權限劃分無法制化,使區公所及里幹事不但服務量能不足,還成為課責對象,工作壓力沉重。 針對上述研究發現,認為區公所定位應法制化,區級自治適度開放,使民主能深化基層,民眾能直接向區公所課責,落實地方自治;區公所增加財政自主權及增加員額,方能提供更完善的服務。


Taoyuan was upgraded from County to Special Municipality in 2014. As a result, the Township Offices also evolved to District Offices. While the Township Offices were regarded as autonomous public legal entities, the District Offices are directed managed by the municipal government of Taoyuan. The upgrade has moved the administrative authority of local libraries and cleaning squadron from the Township Offices to the municipal government. While the administrative responsibilities of the District Office decreased, the workload of officers actually increased. This research examines the challenges officers in the District Offices face as a result of the changing administrative authority within the governing structure of Taoyuan as a Special Municipality. This thesis is composed of seven chapters. The first chapter elaborates on the research motive and purpose while explaining the general background of the Guishan District. The second chapter is literature review. The third chapter establishes the methodology, scope, and informants of the research. The fourth chapter analyzes and summarizes how the role of officers in the District Offices evolved as the District Executives became municipal-government-appointed instead of public-elected by the township. The fifth chapter further analyzes the differences between villages and how the dynamic within the District Offices influences the role and function of the officers. The sixth chapter reflects on the changing roles and increasing responsibilities of the officers in the District Office due to COVID-19, focusing on the challenges the officers faced during the pandemic. The final chapter touches on the findings, recommendations, and limitations of the research. This research found out that the authority of the District Offices has weakened as Taoyuan was upgraded from County to Municipality. The increased administrative responsibilities distributed by the municipal government to the District Offices have reduced the officer’s time to perform original township administrative work. The weakening authority has also impacted the ability of the Chiefs of Village to effectively communicate with the District Offices. Consequently, the Chiefs of Village tend to bypass the District Offices and voice their opinions directly with ‘the people higher above.’ The unclear role of the District Offices and the lack of a formal responsibility distribution mechanism have negatively impacted the function of the District Offices and officers. The District Offices and officers now bear unreasonable accountability demands and immense pressure in work. Based on the findings, the research suggests that the District Office’s role should be legally institutionalized and that the autonomy at the District level should be enhanced. This would encourage democracy from the bottom-up and better accountability of the District Office, realizing local governance. Only when the District Office has financial autonomy and more staffing that the office and its officers are able to provide satisfactory public services.


王丹鈴(2020)。《里幹事角色衝突下行政裁量之探討 -以新北市板橋區公所為例》。臺北:政治大學行政管理碩士學程,碩士論文。
