  • 學位論文


Research on cross-strait cooperation against terrorism

指導教授 : 周繼祥


自從伊斯蘭國在2014年強勢崛起後,這幾年來在世界各地帶動一連串的恐怖活動,烽火煙硝密集的在各大洲蔓延,恐怖攻擊的烏雲一直壟罩在所有人的心中,所造成的死傷、毀壞不可計數,形成受害者揮之不去的陰影,無論是伊斯蘭國的追隨著或是與其爭奪主導恐怖勢力地位的蓋達組織,都一再的以殘忍至極的手段來侵害無辜的百姓,而深處在遭恐攻機率相對較低的臺灣,仍然不能不謹慎面對,對內除了最基本的要先培養民眾防恐的意識外,也要建立自己系統性的防護、處置措施,對外更應尋求國際反恐合作,且需與鄰近的大陸在兩岸共同打擊犯罪的基礎下,推動反恐合作,始能有效預警、機先反應。 在這動亂不斷的年代,我們必須更加提高警覺,政府部門對於重大人為危安及恐怖攻擊事件的反應作為及運作機制必須要十分熟練,我國目前的中央反恐主管部門行政院國土安全辦公室的職能恐有不足,反恐怖專法的制定上遲遲未能通過,不但落後歐美各國,亦未跟上大陸、香港、澳門的立法腳步,似無法因應恐怖活動環繞的世界局勢,在臺灣的內部環境要通過反恐怖行動法,的確考驗著執政者對於安全維護與人權保障聲音的衡平,可能短期間要通過不容易,但是我們反恐的腳步不應就此停歇,可以從簡單、容易的方面先著手,譬如:人流管理、物品查驗、人才培訓、重大基礎設施防護等,替國家多拉幾道防護線,肯定對境內安全有所助益。 與大陸的反恐合作關係可以分階段進行,從情資交流到成立兩岸反恐合作會議逐步深化交往,過程中雖然應保持適度的戒心,尤其事涉國家安全及機密事項,但也不宜過度設限,努力找出反恐合作的需求,澈底了解兩岸對恐怖主義認知的差距,並深切的發掘兩岸間共同反恐的基礎,求同存異,攜手在既對立又互賴的關係中擴大反恐合作的項目,本研究從兩岸反恐合作的背景、共同基礎、法源規範、組織架構、人員編組及職能措施,探討建構兩岸反恐合作會議的展望。


Since the Islamic State (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant,ISIL, a.k.a. ISIS, IS) became a rising power in 2014, it led to a series of terrorist incidents around the world in the past few years. The terror attacks has been haunted over the human civilizations. All casualties and destructions caused by it could be countless and linger as an unwakeable nightmarefor the whole victims. Whether Islamic State or Al-Qaeda which competes leading position among all the international terrorist organizations, have repeatedly undertaken extremely cruel means to harm innocent people. Though Taiwan suffers a relatively low probability from terror attacks, we must keep a cautious mind for potential risk. Foremost and basically, the government should bring up common counter-terrorism awareness and preparations, and then have to establish our own systematic protection and reacting measures. Moreover, on the solid basis, we could explore for international cooperation against terrorism. Especially, there is existing Cross-strait criminal judicial cooperation tie with Mainland China and finds a way to go more far such like cooperation on anti-terrorism more effectively containing initiative warning and reaction. In this disturbing era, we must be more vigilant. The administration should enhance efficiencies on national security mechanism and make sure it function well. However, the current Homeland Security Office under the Executive Yuan fear which in charge of Anti-terrorism preparations seems underpowered. Meanwhile, the specialized anti-terrorism law delayed in the process in Legislature Yuan so far, makes us weak for further integration with the international community and far behind by European nations, United States, Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macao. We know it would be a huge challenge to strike a balance between human rights protection and efficient terrorists fighting for the authority. Through we have to move forwards no matter how difficult it will be. Pragmatically, in a short term, we can still work on transportations managements, goods inspection, personnel training and critical infrastructure protection. Doing something surely better than nothing. Counter-terrorism partnership with the mainland could be carried out by stages, through basic and common issue to deeper integration, and we may begin from the exchange of intelligence resources to a functional Cross-strait Counter-terrorism Conference step by step, with remaining moderate cautious awareness, especially concerning national security and confidential matters. But, it shall not be excessively restricted by such precautions. We need more efforts to identify the needs and gaps of counter-terrorism cooperation for both sides. Thorough mutual understandings of terrorism awareness and more solid foundation, to the end, we may have a chance to build a common ground and work together to expand cooperation against terrorism, in a hostile but interdependent relation. This study aims to analyze the backgrounds on both sides of counter-terrorism cooperation, a common basis, law norms, organizational structures, personnel and functional measures and outlook the potentiality of cross-strait cooperation against terrorism Construction Conference.



