  • 學位論文


How does Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) training influence emotion regulation process: An EEG study

指導教授 : 吳恩賜
共同指導教授 : 吳建德(Chien-Te Wu)


研究動機與目的: 正念減壓(Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, 簡稱MBSR)是由卡巴金博士 (Dr. Kabat-Zinn)於美國麻州大學醫學院所發展出的結構化課程,已有許多文獻指出其對心理健康、壓力與臨床精神症狀的正面影響並且可以改善個體情緒調節的能力。過往研究提出諸多模組探討正念訓練如何對心理與腦部產生變化進而影響情緒調節機制,但鮮少有實證研究直接量測個體如何透過正念訓練課程在情緒調節的神經歷程上有所變化。本研究旨於探討正念減壓課程如何影響個體情緒調節的神經歷程有關之變化。 研究方法: 27位受試者於正念減壓課程前後進行相關心理問卷的評估與腦電波情緒調節實驗。受試者運用以自我為焦點的認知再評估(self-focused reappraisal)與開放監控(open monitoring)二種策略來面對正向與負向的情緒圖片,研究進而分析與情緒反應有關的事件關聯電位- 晚期正電位(Late Positive Potential, LPP)來探索在情緒調節過程中的情緒反應與認知資源的投入程度。 研究結果: 本研究顯示正念減壓課程能帶來正念特質與心理健康的提升。在情緒調節作業中此訓練則會使情緒效價(Valence)趨於中性並降低喚起(Arousal)程度。self-focused reappraisal 與 open monitoring 在處理負向圖片上於訓練後皆增進對centroparietal LPP 的調節效果,降低情緒的強度。而self-focused reappraisal在處理負向圖片上於訓練後另也有增加對 frontal LPP 的調節效果,減少認知資源的投入程度。 研究結論: 本研究驗證了正念減壓對心理健康的影響,且顯示短期八周正念減壓課程對於self-focused reappraisal 在情緒調節程度上於centroparietal LPP及frontal LPP皆有明顯增進的效果,能降低情緒反應與認知資源的投入。而 open monitoring則可能需要更長期的正念訓練及練習來促進對情緒反應及認知資源的調節程度。


Objectives Past studies showed Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR), a program focusing on cultivating awareness to the current moment without judgment, has positive influence on mental health and improved emotion regulation capabilities. But few studies unfolded how MBSR leverage the neuropsychological process under emotion regulation. The present study aimed to explore the change during emotion regulation process with an eeg-derived index- Late Positive Potential (LPP) before and after the MBSR training. Methods We recruited 27 participants (age = 42.26 (7.81)) who received 8-week MBSR. Training outcomes were evaluated through questionnaires and the LPP responses while performing an emotion regulation task in which participants were required to use either the self-focused reappraisal or the open-monitoring strategy to respond to given emotional pictures. EEGs were recorded when participants were performing the emotion regulation tasks and the LPP over the centroparietal and frontal scalp regions were analyzed. Results First, participants showed improved trait mindfulness, subjective well-beings and emotion regulation capabilities after MBSR training. Second, the MBSR training enhanced the neutralization of emotional valences and reduced emotional arousals of emotional stimuli in performing the emotion regulation task. The magnitudes of the centroparietal LPP due to emotional downregulation during self-focused reappraisal and open monitoring strategies were both larger after MBSR training. In contrast, the magnitudes of the frontal LPP due to emotional downregulation decreased only during self-focused reappraisal, but not open monitoring, after MBSR training, potentially reflecting a lower recruitment of cognitive effort. Conclusions As an immediate effect following the 8-week MBSR training, the emotional downregulation effect through self-focused reappraisal showed significant improvement, as evidenced by the decreased emotional intensity and reduced cognitive resources in processing negative emotional stimuli. Furthermore, it may take longer periods of MBSR practices to show clear improvement in the emotional downregulation process through the open-monitoring strategy.


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