  • 學位論文


Relationships between Employees’Perceived Organizational Change Effectiveness and JobStressafter aBank Merger: Taking Transformational Leadership as a Moderator.

指導教授 : 戚樹誠


2017年,本國銀行數量即將近3500家,隨著銀行之間的競爭白熱化,許多經營不善的銀行即面臨被合併的命運,本研究以合併銀行之基層員工為主要研究對象,考量「人」是企業最為重要的資產,帶領員工除了績效表現外,提升群體向心力也相當重要。因此,本研究探討主管轉換型領導、知覺組織變革效能與工作壓力間之關係,透過問卷調查方式進行,調查時間為2018年3月11日至3月22日,其有效問卷數為203份。研究結果如下: 1. 主管轉換型領導現況達到「中高」的程度,以「德行垂範」表現最高 2. 知覺組織變革效能現況達到「中高」的程度,以「功效」表現最高 3. 工作壓力現況達到「中高」的程度,以工作負荷最高 4. 41歲以下、專科/大學以上學歷、未婚的合併銀行員工在主管轉換型領導得分較為高 5. 41歲以下、未婚、1-3年工作年資、5-7萬元月收入合併銀行員工在知覺組織變革效能得分較佳 6. 51歲以下、專科/大學以上、未婚的合併銀行員工在工作壓力較為大 7. 主管轉換型領導對於知覺組織變革效能與工作壓力之關係具有調節作用


There are up to 3500 local banks in 2017, and by the extreme competitive between banks, the quicksand of being merged sways banks with poor management. The research objects are entry-level employees from the merged banks, by considering human power is the critical capital as well as centripetal forces is crucial for groups besides business performance. The study hence is to explore the relationships between transformational leadership, the awareness of effectiveness of organizational change, and job stress. Questionnaire survey is adopted, and there are 203 shares of effective returned questionnaire within the survey duration from March 11th 2018 to March 22nd 2018. The results are as follows: 1. transformational leadership is medium high, and virtue plays the best; 2. the awareness of effectiveness of organizational change is medium high, and effectiveness plays the best; 3. job stress is medium high, and workload plays the best. 4. Unmarried examinees under 41y with college or university degree obtained higher scores in transformational leadership; 5. Unmarried examinees under 41y with 1-3 years working experiences and 50-70 thousand monthly income obtained higher scores in the awareness of effectiveness of organizational change; 6. Unmarried examinees under 51y with college or university degree possessed higher job stress; 7. The relationship between the awareness of effectiveness of organizational change and job stress is moderated by transformational leadership.


