  • 學位論文


An Exploratory Study on the Business Strategy of Notebooks Computer OEM Industry

指導教授 : 李賢源


台灣經濟早期依賴低階加工貿易,1970年代起,在政府領軍大力扶植下,民間企業積極轉型發展電子科技,在外商投資及技術轉移助力下,台灣逐步站上世界科技舞台,成為全球重要的電腦製造供應鏈之一。 其中筆記本電腦,更讓台灣成為全球之重,按最新數據統計,全球80%以上筆記本電腦是由台商組裝製造而成的,台商對於筆記本電腦產業的重要性及影響力,由此可見。  隨著激烈的行業競爭及全球化趨勢發展,加上中國政府人力丶土地丶租稅等招商政策刺激下,台商們為了追求營運效能及成本,逐步將供應鏈遷移中國,同時為迎合大陸內需市場的快速增長,不斷加重於大陸在地化供應比例,時至今日90%以上的筆記本電腦製造基地,都已在大陸。 供應鏈過度集中,除了營運風險不易分散外,也衍生許多問題,近年來紅色供應鏈的威脅不間斷,加上中美貿易摩擦丶中國環保及勞動法規加嚴,甚至2020年初突然大爆發的COVID-19新型冠狀病毒疫情帶來的供應鏈斷鏈危機等,都讓台商們的挑戰達到前所未見的程度。  本研究試從策略管理角度切入,探討筆記本電腦代工製造業的現況及市場困境,進一步分析台商們在面對多重競爭及挑戰下,該如何因應? 如要進行經營策略重佈局,又該考慮哪些關鍵因素? 可以選擇的策略路徑又有哪些? 期望透過這些研究結果幫助台商們在進行營運策略規劃時有所參考。


Taiwan relied on the low-level trade processing to sustain the economy in the years before 1970’, and had moved to a higher level electronic components manufacturing afterwards as the government was aggressively leading towards the economic transformation, Taiwan then has been gradually stepping up and becoming one of the key suppliers to the global Computing industry, the increased foreign investment and technologies shared by the major global IT players have been essentially helping Taiwan foster the industry in the decades. In nowadays, more than 80% of global notebook computers are made by Taiwan which is further emphasizing the importance of the small island to the Computing industry worldwide. However, those OEM enterprises have been gradually moving their factories to China in last few decades as to pursue the benefits of the lowest cost especially the relief on labor, land and income taxes, and to grab the booming business opportunities that have been dramatically come along with the China domestic market. Up to today over 90% of the OEM capacity has been built in China, this is making the industrial situation become tougher as the centralized manufacturing tactic is going to accumulate highest risk in operational point of view while putting eggs in the same basket. The US-China trade war, China’s red supply chain competition, and even the new pandemic COVID-19 spread-out are all real cases that are getting the industry become more and more challenged. This research is trying to analyze the Notebooks Computer OEM industry from the strategic thinking point of view, to firstly shape the outline of the industry from its competition tendency, potential threatens and challenges, and the current business practice and actualities, which is based on the methodology of “Porter 5 forces analysis”. Secondly apply the theory of Porter’s “what is strategy?” to one of the OEM leading companies of the industry to further diagnosis its current practice. Thirdly apply M.W. Johnson’s theory of “Reinventing Your Business” to reach out conclusions and potential solutions which might be feasible and able to revitalize the industry, and good to share to those OEM players.


