  • 學位論文


The Analysis of the Efficiency of the Spot Market and the Future Market for the Electronics and the Banking

指導教授 : 謝德宗


本文將結合市場指數模型(market index model)與事件研究法(event study)來探討近期一些重大事件或公司重大訊息宣布時,電子類股與金融類股現貨指數及期貨指數累積異常報酬率之變化,並觀察電子類股與金融類股的報酬率間存在何種關係-互補或替代。另外,藉由衡量市場風險變數取樣的不同如台灣加權股價指數與台指期貨指數,更可探討市場指數模型建立以何種指數報酬率較有效率性。一般文獻多針對重大事件發生時,對於同類型股票的累積異常報酬率變化加以討論,本文將分四個分類方式交叉比較:1.期貨與現貨-可以看出兩市場的效率性、2.事件屬性(公司主導與否)-可稍加推估內部消息是否有走漏,市場是否提前反應、3.利多或利空事件-可歸納公司宣佈時點的環境與用意、4.電子與金融類-可分辨兩類股股性或參與投資人的投資方式。實證結果如下: (1) 單一指數模型中,衡量市場風險指標以期貨效率性較佳:在表4-33中,本文發現以單一指數模型預測報酬率,在衡量市場風險指標選擇上,以台指期貨指數為變數,其出現累積異常報酬率顯著狀態遠多於以加權股價指數,故本文認為在單一指數模型預測報酬率中,衡量市場風險指標選擇上,以期貨效率性優於期貨。 (2) 期貨的效率優於現貨效率:效率的表現除了可觀察反映時點與反映方向外,幅度大小也是ㄧ重要觀察點。我們由上述交叉比對中發現,期貨往往在事前前三天就反應滿足,事後幾乎就不在反應資訊效果;反觀現貨部分,雖然事前也有反應,但似乎都未能反應到滿足點,造成事後仍會持續反應的現象。 (3) 事件屬性決定事前異常報酬顯著與否:由上述比較中,我們發現在「公司主導事件」族群的事件發生前,其累積異常報酬率均呈現顯著現象,且不論期貨與現貨,電子類與金融類結果均相同。雖這代表「公司主導事件」族群的資訊效果均於事前已反映在股價上,但本文的資訊效果與事前反應的方向不盡相同,這可能與個股事件對類股指數報酬率影響性大小有關,若個股事件與個股報酬率相信就沒這方面問題。 (4) 公司主導事件發生時點有一致性:由「公司主導事件」族群的事前累積異常報酬率與事件資訊效果呈現相反的情況看,公司主導的重大資訊大多利用市場低迷時宣布利多或市場熱絡時宣布利空,藉以獲得最有利公司的結果。 (5) 金融類股反應資訊效果較慢或時間較長:金融類指數在事件發生後,其累積異常報酬率顯著的情況,不論期貨或現貨均高於電子類指數,這可能與產業特性、事件延續性或持續發酵的情況有關,當然,也可能與一般參與金融類股投資人的族群或特質有相關,如投資人年紀的大小等。 (6) 電子類股與金融類股指數報酬率呈現替代效應:電子類利多事件發生時,電子類股累積異常報酬率呈現正向顯著,同時金融類股多會呈現累積異常報酬率負向顯著情況,這可由這幾年臺灣股市成交值一直無法放大有關,代表市場僅有一套資金,容易出現拉電子出金融或拉金融出電子的情況,但因金融類股與電子類股總市值相差甚大,故多以拉電子出金融的情況發生較多。 (7) 電子纇股及金融類股屬半強式效率市場:雖然多數事件(尤其是公司主導族群)事件發生前有出現累積異常報酬率顯著情況,但方向似乎與事件資訊效果相違背,反而是事件公佈當天與事件發生後,資訊傳遞的效果均能有效的反應在類股指數報酬率上,甚至改變整個類股原來趨勢方向,故台灣電子類股及金融類股應屬半強式效率市場。


This essay is combined the Market Index Model and Event Study to analysis the change of cumulative abnormal return for the Electronics and Banking spot index and future index and observe if existing an-y kind of the relationship (such as complementary effect or substitution effect) of the returns for Electronics and Banking after some big events occurred or some important information announced by the listed companies. furthermore , in different samplings such as Taiwan weighted index and Taiwan future index to measure the market risk and then to conclude that what kind of index return will be more efficient to build up the market index model. Generally , the literature in the past used to focus on the cumulative abnormal return of the same kind of stocks only, but in this paper will do a cross analysis in four different categories.1.The future and the spot : analysis the efficiency of these two markets;2.Event attribute( manipulated by the company or not): if the market is effected by any so-called inside information; 3.Good news and bad news: The purpose and the environment of the announcement timing by the companies;4. The Electronics and Banking: categorize the characteristics of the investors. The conclusions from the testing are listed as below: (1)The future index is more efficient in measuring the market risk index under one single market index model. (2) The efficiency of the future market is better than the efficiency of the spot market. (3)The cumulative abnormal return of afore-event is notable for those events announced by the companies. (4)The timing of the news announced by the companies is quite critical and manipulated. (5)The reacted timing of the Banking for the event is longer than the Electronics. (6)It exists a substitution effect between the Banking and the Electronics. (7)Both of the Banking and the Electronics are semistrong form efficiency market.




