  • 學位論文


The Moderation Effect of Mood and Self-esteem on Product Judgment

指導教授 : 簡怡雯


過去研究指出,人們在進行評價時,會因為個體的差異在察覺偏誤以及修正偏誤上有所差異。當面臨的偏誤因素為心情偏誤時,自尊可做為個體調節負面心情的來源,影響個體對產品的態度。 本研究欲探討在不同心情狀態下,人們會因為自尊的差異而對產品產生不同態度的影響。三項假設分別為:相對於所有負向心情者的平均產品評價,因為高自尊者有較好的負向心情調節能力,高自尊者會將產品評價得較好,低自尊者將產品評價評得較差;相對於所有正向心情者的平均產品評價,高自尊者與低自尊者對產品的評價無差異;相對於所有中性心情者的平均產品評價,高自尊者與低自尊者對產品的評價無差異。 透過實驗驗證了在正向心情與中性心情中,自尊高低對產品的評價並無影響;而在負向心情的狀態下,高自尊者相較於低自尊者對產品的評價較低,與假設的方向相反,推測可能原因為高自尊者對於外在事物有較高的標準,傾向將外在事物(如廣告)評得較差,同時在負向心情中會處理較多負面訊息,產生較多負面想法,而有較差評價。


People make judgments in contexts full of factors that could bias their judgments. These biases are objectively not pertinent to the true qualities of targets being judged. For example, Mood has shown to bias people’s subsequent judgments. Flexible Correction Model points out that people are motivated to make accurate judgments of targets. When people have the motivation and ability to make accurate judgment, they utilize their metacognition to remove the perceived influence of biases from their judgments. Prior research has suggested there are individual differences in identifying and removing objective irrelevant bias from individuals’ judgments. Self-esteem has been found to serve as resources for individuals to face and regulate their negative affective states. In this present research, high and low self-esteem individuals are asked to identify biases in product judgments after being exposure to different moods. We predict that high self-esteem individuals will be more likely to identify mood as a bias and regulate their negative affective states of product judgment in negative mood, they will evaluate the attitude toward product higher than low self-esteem individuals’ attitude toward that. When people exposure in neutral or positive mood state, there is no difference of attitude between high self-esteem and low self-esteem individuals. Results show that attitude toward product in neutral or positive mood state, our hypothesis has been confirmed. However, high self-esteem individuals evaluate the attitude toward product lower than low self-esteem individuals’ attitude toward that. It may because individual in negative mood state process more negative information, high self-esteem individuals process the negative information much than low self-esteem individual due to less cognitive capacity of low self-esteem individual. Moreover, high self-esteem individuals tend to criticize others such as advertisements, therefore they evaluate attitude of product lower than low self-esteem individuals.


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