  • 學位論文

追尋更好的自己: 以消費者文化理論出發,探討台灣某健身網路社群的形成

Pursuing a “Better Me”: A study on the formation of a virtual fitness community in Taiwan with a Consumer Culture Theory approach

指導教授 : 柯冠州


健身可以說是台灣目前最熱門的運動。根據財政部資料,從2013到2018年間,台灣的健身房市場規模也成長了一倍,來到80億。除了健身房以外,健身的風氣也帶動了其他健身相關的產業,例如健身服飾、穿戴式裝置以及運動指導員的培訓和認證等等,呈現蓬勃而且多元的發展。 這樣多元的發展並不僅限於現實,在當今火紅的網紅經濟裡,出現了一群以健身為主題的素人網紅。他們同樣活躍於在健身產業,商業模式卻與傳統實體市場大為不同。這些健身網紅與追蹤者在網路形成了一個蓬勃發展的健身社群,發展出豐富特殊的文化。 本篇論文以消費者理論的角度出發,透過質性的方法(the grounded theory)探討數字無法解釋的文化議題,整理出此健身社群的運作架構,成員之間的關係,追蹤者加入社群的動機,以及滿足心理需求對於推動社群的幫助。最後,也發現了一些追蹤者的行為改變,為社群的未來發展帶來不確定性。


Weight training has become a popular trend in Taiwan in recent years. Its growing market has further contributed to the development of related sectors, including sports apparel, wearable devices, trainer programmes and specialized dining. Such prosperity is not only found in the physical environment, but also in the virtual world. On social media, a growing number of fitness influencers also actively involve in the fitness industry. As an example of the so-called celebrity economy, the business model of the fitness influencers seems to significantly differ from that of the traditional fitness-training clubs in the physical marketplace. This paper explores the formation of the virtual fitness community, including the community members, their interaction mechanism and on the deepest level, the community culture. We have employed the ground theory to explore the specific culture in the community. The focus is on the structure of the community, the interaction pattern between the fitness influencers and their followers, the followers’ motivation and the power of psychological needs. In particular, there is an extent of followers’ behavioural changes over time. Such changes may bring instability to the community.


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