  • 學位論文


Study on the Criminal Liability of Trade Secrets Act

指導教授 : 王皇玉


我國《營業秘密法》刑事責任增訂施行至今約莫9年的時間,目前立法的整體趨勢是以更嚴格的刑罰來規範侵害行為。然而,營業秘密相關刑罰是否具有正當性?什麼樣的手段又較能預防營業秘密法人犯罪之發生?以及現行實務運作有沒有達到當初立法目的?都是十分重要且有現實需求性的爭議。 本文首先以文獻分析法、比較研究法介紹營業秘密相關背景知識,包含保護沿革、保護理論基礎,以及營業秘密之基本定義。並詳細介紹美國《經濟間諜法案》、日本《不正競争防止法》,建立對於比較法法制之整體認識、了解其等運行現況,以利後續參酌比較法分析。接著就我國《營業秘密法》具體規範內容自法釋義、比較法、法實證觀點為檢討,且配合本研究對於侵害營業秘密之刑事判決的量化整理分析,歸納出實務見解對營業秘密三要件認定之寬嚴及具體解釋內涵認定,作為未來營業秘密保護政策應著重、費心處理之點,亦提供實務上相關工作者遵法之方向。並審視《營業秘密法》增訂刑事責任之成效,試圖發現、解決《營業秘密法》實際施行所遇到的問題。最後,針對所有侵害營業秘密案件,本文試圖提出「重視資訊取得途徑以判斷營業秘密」、「運用保密措施合理範圍之指引」。針對法人責任則是建議「明定最廣義告訴不可分規定」、「區分行為人身分」、「運用法人緩起訴制度」。對於整體營業秘密保護之刑事政策則是建議「加強自由刑以外之對策」及「重視弱勢方保護」。


The criminal liability of Trade Secrets Act has been put in execution for almost 9 years, and the legislation trends to severe punishment nowadays. The primary task of this paper is to figure out that whether the criminal liability of Trade Secrets Act can be justified, to examine whether our desired result of Trade Secrets Act was achieved, and to have a comprehensive analysis of Taiwan’s criminal judicial decisions involving trade secrets, which can indicate the current opinions of courts concerning relevant issues of standard of the three elements which compose “Trade Secret” so as to improve the predictability of those punished and give those whom own trade secrets guidelines on how to protect this information in an effective and efficient way. In this paper, the history and theory foundation of the protection of trade secrets will be introduced and discussed as background knowledge. Futhermore, related regulations in USA and Japan will be reviewed, compared and analyzed, and thus the amendment for Trade Secrets Act will be proposed. After theoretical discussions, an empirical study will be conducted, including basic type of trade secrets theft, exterritorial offenses, and liability of juristic person. Through scrutinizing the criminal judicial decisions about trade secrets, we found the features of trade secret case: low conviction rates, high case-withdrawing rate which result in low cost-effectiveness. In addition, we summed up the main types of extensions, exterritorial offenses and liability of juristic person, of cases in practice, we present the problems and blind spots in the content of Taiwan’s current trade secrets law and its operational practices. In conclusion, with regard to forming a stable criteria for trade secrets, this paper suggests judicial authority (1) using “access to acquire the information” as secondary consideration for “Secrecy”, (2) taking “trade secrets protection manual” as indication for “Reasonable Security Measures”. In terms of corporate crime, (1) enacting law about the effect of criminal complaint on juristic person, (2) making deferred prosecution to require the defendant (juristic person) to set up a corporate compliance system, and (3) expanding types of criminal penalties for juristic person, can be useful to prevent corporate crime. Generally, it’s more important to strengthen measures other than imprisonment, and vulnerable groups should be taken care of in the meantime.


