  • 學位論文


Relationship between workplace health promotion and self-perceived health and personal burnout in workers

指導教授 : 郭育良


(一)職場健康促進活動與勞工自覺健康狀況之相關性 背景與目的 職場健康促進活動是指在職場環境中,藉由雇主、員工自身跟整個社會的支持努力來改善工作者的健康跟福祉。職場健康促進活動行之有年,然而國外文獻卻顯示成效不一致。因此我們的研究是針對台灣的勞工,希望能了解職場健康促進活動是否對台灣的勞工健康有幫助。 方法 勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所每三年會對全國工作者進行問卷的訪查,我們申請使用2016年的問卷資料。研究對象收案了15735名勞工,研究的主要架構X變項是職場健康促進活動,Y變項是員工自覺健康狀況(以分數評比);校正因子為性別、年齡、睡眠狀況、工作時數、身體質量指數、月薪、運動頻率、抽煙、喝酒、公司規模與員工職級。我們進一步根據分數將職場健康促進活動分為兩組:高分組與低分組,及四分位組,並依據行業別分層,使用軟體SPSS統計做相關性與複線性回歸的分析。 結果 本研究收案了15735名勞工,平均年齡約40歲,男女性員工各佔53.85%與46.15%。員工自覺健康分數(1-5分)平均為3.68分,標準差0.79。相關性分析顯示職場健康促進活動與員工自覺健康狀況呈現有意義的正相關,其他變項包含月薪、運動頻率亦呈現有意義的正相關;相反地,年齡、工作時數、身體質量指數、睡眠狀況、抽煙、喝酒與員工自覺健康狀況呈現負相關。 複線性回歸的分析顯示在調整其他變項後,職場健康促進活動與員工自覺健康狀況仍呈現有意義的正相關,亦即職場健康促進活動做得越完善,員工自覺健康狀況的分數越高;而其他因子如年紀較大、性別為女性、身體質量指數越高、睡眠越不足夠、有抽煙喝酒習慣、月薪較低、運動頻率較少及公司規模越大,員工的自覺健康分數越低。且將職場健康促進活動分為四組後,可看到其與自覺健康狀況分數呈現劑量效應。此外,對行業別做分層分析後,也可看到職場健康促進活動在主要四個行業別(製造業、零售與批發業、營造業、服務業)皆與自覺健康狀況呈現顯著正相關。 結論 我們的研究顯示職場健康促進活動與員工自覺健康狀況呈現有意義且獨立的正相關,且有劑量效應,亦即職場健康促進活動做得越完善,員工自覺健康狀況的分數越高。在主要四個行業別亦看到一樣的結果。目前統計上看到的效應不大,未來我們應該去思考如何調整健康促進活動的內容來更符合員工的需求。 (二)職場健康促進活動與勞工個人過勞之相關性 背景與目的 近年來,勞工過勞的議題已經越來越受到重視,因為過勞會影響勞工的健康與工作的表現。職場健康促進活動行之有年,且根據國外的文獻表示,職場健康促進活動能有效改善勞工的過勞情形。我們的研究對象是針對台灣的勞工,想了解職場健康促進活動是否對台灣勞工的過勞也有幫助。 方法 勞動部職業安全衛生研究所每三年會對全國工作者進行問卷的訪查,我們申請使用2016年的問卷資料,研究對象收案了15735名勞工,研究的主要架構X變項是職場健康促進活動,Y變項是員工過勞程度(以分數評比);校正因子為工作控制、工作時數、就業缺乏保障、工作負荷、性別、年齡、公司規模與員工職級。我們進一步根據分數將職場健康促進活動分為兩組:高分組與低分組,使用軟體SPSS統計做相關性與複線性回歸的分析。 結果 本研究收案了15735名勞工,平均年齡約40歲,男女性員工各佔53.85%與46.15%。勞工過勞分數(5-25分)平均為10.87分,標準差3.99。相關性分析顯示職場健康促進活動與勞工過勞呈現有意義的負相關,而其他變項包含工作控制、工作時數、就業缺乏保障、工作負荷、性別、年齡皆與勞工過勞呈現有意義的正相關。 複線性回歸的分析顯示在調整其他變項後,職場健康促進活動與勞工過勞仍呈現有意義的負相關,亦即職場健康促進活動能減少勞工過勞的程度,而其他因子如需要較多的工作控制、較長的工作時數、就業缺乏保障的不安全感較高、工作負荷較大、年紀較大、性別為女性及較大的公司規模,皆會增加勞工的過勞情形。 結論 我們的研究顯示職場健康促進活動與勞工過勞呈現有意義且獨立的負相關,亦即職場健康促進活動能減少勞工過勞的程度。由於目前勞工過勞的情形越來越受到重視,雇主與工作職場應考慮適切的健康促進活動來改善勞工的過勞情況。


(一)Relationship between workplace health promotion and self-perceived health in workers Background Workplace health promotion (WHP) is the combined efforts of employers, employees and society to improve the health and well-being of people at work. WHP programs have been performed for years but with controversial outcomes in terms of the effectiveness on employees’ health. We conducted a study to determine the relationship between WHP and employees’ self-perceived health in Taiwan. Methods A national representative survey of employees’ perceptions of safety and health in the workplaces was conducted in 2016 in Taiwan. A total of 28,638 candidates who were working at the survey were selected from all households in Taiwan by stratified random sampling. WHP was scored for nine items, namely, health examination, health data provision and security, health promotion, exercise equipment, employee assistance, mental assessment, hazard prevention, and safety and health activities, with a four-point response option. Self-perceived health was obtained by a 5-point Likert scale from very poor (1) to very good (5). Multiple linear regression analysis was done to examine the relationship between WHP and self-perceived health, adjusting for age, gender, sleeping condition, working hours, BMI, monthly salary, exercise, smoking, alcohol drinking, enterprise size and employment grade. Further stratification analysis was done by industry. Results Among all selected candidates, 22,068 (78.21%) completed the survey satisfactorily, and 15735 workers employed by private sectors were included for the data analysis. Their mean age was 40.64 ± 11.99 years; 46.15% were females; and average score of perceived health was 3.68 ± 0.79. Monthly salary, exercise, and WHP were positively associated with health score. Age, female gender, working hours per week, BMI, poor sleep, smoking and alcohol drinking were negatively associated with health. After adjusting for potential confounders, self-perceived health was positively related to WHP, in a dose-dependent manner. The relations remain robust for manufacturing, service, construction, and retail industries. Conclusion The large-scale nationally representative study showed that WHP was positively associated with better self-perceived health in a dose-related manner among employees. (二)Relationship between workplace health promotion and personal burnout in workers Background Recently, it has been highlighted the importance of burnout to affect work performance and worker’s health. WHP programs have been performed for years and seemed to be helpful for burnout in some populations. We conducted a study to determine the relationship between WHP and employees’ personal burnout in Taiwan. Methods A national representative survey of employees’ perceptions of safety and health in the workplaces was conducted in 2016 in Taiwan. A total of 28,638 candidates who were working at the survey were selected from all households in Taiwan by stratified random sampling. WHP was scored for nine items, namely, health examination, health data provision and security, health promotion, exercise equipment, employee assistance, mental assessment, hazard prevention, and safety and health activities, with a four-point response option. Personal burnout was obtained by Copenhagen burnout inventory from never (5) to always (25). Multiple linear regression analysis was done to examine the relationship between WHP and personal burnout, adjusting for age, gender, working hours, job control, job demands, employment insecurity, enterprise size and employment grade. Results Among all selected candidates, 22,068 (78.21%) completed the survey satisfactorily, and 15735 workers employed by private sectors were included for the data analysis. Their mean age was 40.64 ± 11.99 years; 46.15% were females; and average score of personal burnout was 10.87 ± 3.99. WHP were negatively associated with burnout score. Age, gender, working hours, job control, job demands and employment insecurity were positively associated with burnout score. After adjusting for potential confounders, personal burnout was negatively related to WHP. Conclusion The large-scale nationally representative study showed that WHP was negatively associated with lower personal burnout among employees.


Part I. Relationship between workplace health promotion and self-perceived health in workers
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