  • 學位論文


Performance-based Pay System in UK and U.S. and Public Pay System in Taiwan

指導教授 : 彭錦鵬


1980年代以來,英美等國因政府財政資源緊縮,為有效掌控人事費用成本,並回應勞動市場人力資源競爭及公部門績效管理要求等壓力,爰積極推動公部門薪俸制度之彈性化改革,其採行措施之一,即為揚棄傳統官僚體制中「重年資、輕績效」之俸給政策,轉而仿效私部門推動績效薪俸制度,以建立誘因引導公務人員追求績效導向之價值觀念及行政文化,提升公部門之績效表現。 就英美兩國實施經驗觀之,建立客觀公正之績效考核制度,除係屬績效薪俸制度有效運作之核心要務外,亦屬公部門推動績效管理之重要舉措之一。審視我國現行公務人員考績與俸給制度,雖可謂相關法制規範完備,惟因缺乏市場導向及績效導向精神,向遭詬病未能確實發揮獎優懲劣之功能。是以,本論文即透過分析績效管理與績效薪俸制度等理論內涵及實施經驗,檢視我國公務人員考績與俸給制度。 此外,民國90年2月全國行政革新會議,業於「行政文化」議題總結報告中,提出實施績效獎金制度等作法,俾強化政府績效管理制度之具體建議。而為提升政府施政效能及國家總體競爭力,行政院人事行政局爰規劃實施績效獎金制度,自91年起研議試辦,並自92年起全面施行。上開制度雖自96年起停止辦理,惟該制度仍係開啟我國公部門績效管理制度之新頁,鑑於未來仍有賡續推動之可能,爰有檢討改進之必要。 本論文經參酌相關理論內涵及實務經驗,發現我國公務人員考績制度具以下缺失:僅以個人績效表現為考核標的;偏重獎金、晉級升等及免職等行政性功能;考績項目未應個別機關或職務之需求;考績等第未有法定人數比例之限制;平時考核普遍未予落實;考績運作過程未符民主化要求等。此外,公務人員俸給制度亦具以下缺失:俸給制度未具績效導向特質;待遇制度調整未具法制化保障;俸給法規範偏重待遇行政事項;俸級表結構設計未盡合理;獎金未與績效充分結合等。又,實施績效獎金制度部分,則面臨獎金來源及額度不足、團體與個人績效評核結果未具實益、獎金限制領取及分配規定陳義過高、各機關普遍欠缺績效管理推動知能,以及該制度之推動成效受傳統組織文化及機關首長意向影響等問題。而為期提供主管機關未來修正制度設計之參考,本論文最末亦提出相關研究建議。


Since 1980’s, UK and U.S. governments face the constraints on financial resources. In order to control personnel costs of public sector and respond to pressure of human resources and performance management, UK and U.S. governments have been improving to create more flexible public pay system. One of the measures they take is to implement performance-based pay, which provides incentive to civil service and advance public sector performance. According to UK and U.S. government experiences, to establish an objective and equitable performance appraisal system is the first priority in implementing performance-based pay system and performance management. In reviewing the present performance appraisal and pay systems of Taiwan civil service, we can discover that the systems have been criticized for lack of performance-oriented spirit. Therefore, this essay is based on the theories and practices of performance management and performance-based pay, and then reexamines the operations of the systems. In addition, the National Conference on Administrative Reform held in 2001 had made a suggestion for implementing the performance bonus system, which reinforces the performance management system in our government. To promote government administration efficiency and country competitiveness, Central Personnel Administration formulated Performance Bonus System of Administration Authorities in 2002 and carry into execution in 2003. Although the system has ceased from 2007, the implementation of such system officially took the country a step further toward a new milestone of performance management. In view of the high possibility of the system’s carrying into execution afresh, this essay also reexamines the implementation of that system. Finally, based on the results of this essay, we can discover that the present performance appraisal and pay system of Taiwan civil service include the primary shortcoming of not being market-oriented or performance-oriented. In addition, we also find some problems of the implementation of the performance bonus system in practice. Therefore, some suggestions are made toward the administration authorities, in order to be provided for the future modifications of the systems mentioned above.




