  • 學位論文


A Study on the Reform of Civil Servant’s Performance-related Pay in Taiwan (2009-2013)-Focus on the Draft Civil Service Performance Evaluation Act

指導教授 : 周繼祥


我國政府部門實施績效薪俸政策已有數十年,然而為了尋求制度與法規的穩定性,卻也形成某種程度的僵固與限制,致政府效能不彰。研究顯示,建立公平客觀的績效考核制度及具備合理易行的績效指標是績效薪俸制度成功的關鍵;為使我國公務人員績效薪俸的施行能夠充分達到激勵員工、獎優汰劣的效果,考試院於2010年4月通過「公務人員考績法修正草案」,著眼於鼓勵公務人員與時俱進,以強化政府競爭力。 本研究從較宏觀的角度出發,討論整體內部及外部大環境中之背景影響,並整理歸納我國公務人員績效薪俸的現況和改革內容,透過文獻探討與深度訪談找出制度實行上理想面與現實面的差異原因,最後提出政策建議。本論文結論如次: 1.改革後考績制度的激勵效果仍不足,公平性待酌; 2.現行之待遇結構未能彰顯績效管理精神; 3.制度之改革須考量成本與效益; 4.環境干擾因素之排除有賴首長之魄力。


The departments of our government have adopted the performance-related pay for decades. However, to seek the stability of the system and the regulations, the policy led to some degree of the rigidity and limitations and thus made the government ineffective. Studies show that the key to success of the performance-related pay is to establish a fair system and to have reasonable indicators of achievements inspection. In order to manifest the effect of motivating, encouraging and eliminating employees by performance-related pay, the Draft Civil Service Performance Evaluation Act, passed by the Examination Yuan in April 2010, focuses on the motivation of civil service and the enhancement of government's competitiveness. This study, based on an overall point of view, discusses both the internal and external environment influences, as well as summarizes the data of the current status and the reform content of the civil servant’s performance-related pay system. Through the literature analysis and in-depth interview, this study aims at finding out the differences between theoretical and practical aspects, and proposing some policy suggestions. The findings are as follows. 1.After the reform, the motivation and fairness are still insufficient. 2.The structure of the current pay system fails to demonstrate the spirit of performance management. 3.The reform of the system must weigh gains and losses. 4.The elimination of the environment interferences relies on the chief to be bold and to execute thoroughly.


