  • 學位論文


The Political Economy on Property Declaration by Public Servants

指導教授 : 蕭全政


從國際間各項政治貪腐與競爭力評比的結果看出,政治貪瀆與國家競爭力有密切正相關。世界各國為解決公職人員濫用身分而謀取私利之政治貪腐問題,逐步發展出公職人員財產申報制度,以公開透明的機制,來遏止公職人員的貪污行為,並抑制金權政治的擴散。 「公職人員財產申報法」為我國制定的第一部陽光法案,為眾多陽光法案中重要的一環。然而,在歷經17年的推動實施之後,仍發現「公職人員財產申報法」的施行,無法有效抑制各種層出不窮的弊端或貪瀆案件,與陽光法案希望達成端正政風的立法意旨,有相當的落差,也是本論文的研究主題。 本論文採歷史結構的研究途徑,從我國「公職人員財產申報法」形成背景,以瞭解公職人員財產申報制度形成的因果與脈胳;分析立法階段中,各勢力間利害得失的計算與折衝,各相關行為者偏差動員過程、及公職人員財產申報制度形成的爭議、變遷,與監察院執行本制度近17年來的成效與侷限,整理出具體建議,以助於公職人員財產申報制度相關後續研究與修法之參考。 針對現行公職人員財產申報制度之闕漏,論文提出下列建議:(1)申報對象聚焦化,並增列直系血親為申報範圍;(2)建置獨立之廉政體系;(3)加強宣傳與推廣,深植民間反貪力量;(4)強化公務人員倫理教育,加強申報制度宣導;(5)裁罰標準因職務高低有差別待遇;(6)建置財產總歸戶,全面網路申報機制;(7)結合「貪污罪被告不說明財產來源罪」運作;(8)建構全面性的陽光政治法案群,以建立完整的監督機制。


Various international rankings have shown that political corruption is positively correlated with national competitiveness. In order to prevent public servants from corruptions and unlawful gains, many countries in the world have gradually adapted the system of property declaration by public servants as a mechanism for promoting government transparent and restraining overdevelopment of money politics. The "Act on Property-Declaration by Public Servants" is the first enacted Sunshine Law in Taiwan. It is also one of the most important Sunshine Laws in our country. However, after 17 years of harsh implementation, the Act can’t work like its original legislative purpose for promoting government ethics. The events of corruption and dereliction are still happen frequently. We are far away from a decent clean government. It is the considerable theme on this study. The research method of this study was historical review of political economy by introducing the background of "Act on Property-Declaration by Public Servants" to understand the cause and effect of the Act, as well as its content. This study provides concrete suggestions for the reference of revising and further research on "Act on Property-Declaration by Public Servants", by analyzing the gain and loss between different parties and stake holders of the legislative formation of the Act, the mobilization of bias of various related people, the disputation of the Act, the achievement and setbacks after the Control Yuan’s 17 years implementation of the Act. This study proposes the following recommendations to resolve problems of current system of property declaration by public servants: (1) extend property reporters by including first-grade relatives; (2) establish an independent anti-corruption system; (3) promote the awareness of anti-corruption in society; (4) reinforce the ethic education of public servants and propagate the declaration system; (5) remove the differences of penalty standards among different official levels; (6) set up nationwide personal property inquiries and online declaration system; (7) implement property crimes of unknown origin ; and (8) construct comprehensive Sunshine Laws to establish complete monitoring mechanism.




