  • 學位論文


Responsive Evaluation on Civil Servants Property Declaration System in Taiwan

指導教授 : 邱華君


公職人員財產申報的目的,是希望透過財產的透明與公開,防止公職人員不當取得並隱匿財產,以端正政風、清廉政治。我國公職人員財產申報法自民國82年9月1日實施,為我國推動陽光法案重要決策,如何落實公職人員財產申報,有效提升公職人員廉能,謀求解決貪瀆腐化之道,讓貪污者無所遁形,以符合民眾對政府的期待,達到廉能政府之目的,亦為現今社會極為重視之問題。 本研究主要以回應性政策評估之質性研究方法,從「法規妥適性」、「目標達成度」、「執行者意向」、「政策配合度」四項評估指標,探討我國公職人員財產申報實施迄今,適用對象、受理機關人員、受處分人等利害關係人之認知與看法,透過文獻分析法、深度訪談法及蒐集整理有關回應性評估的理論,推論各項執行要素與政策缺失的聯結關係,分析結果作彙整歸納的陳述,以提供未來政策修正或實施的參考,及後續相關研究之建議。 本研究政策建議在法規面有:一、對於非故意申報不實案件,宜放寬裁罰標準之認定。二、賦予申報義務人可免申報配偶的例外規定。制度面有:一、轉變查核方式,提升查核效能。二、結合財產來源不明罪,展現肅貪決心。三、建立通報機制,共同追查貪瀆不法。執行面有:一、灌輸申報人法令知識與政策認同度。二、重視申報受理機關人員心態及專業能力。三、網路系統化與流程改造。


The civic servants property declaration achieves a transparent and open property situation, which helps to prevent the civic servant from getting and hiding property illegally and further uprights the atmosphere and politics in government bodies. The property claims act for civil servant in our nation took effect from September 1st in 1993, which was an important decision for promoting sunshine law. Implement the civic servant property declaration, effectively improve the servants quality of being righteous; seek for methods to solve corruption and uncover the grafters. Build up an incorrupt government that satisfies the public’s requirements is still an issue to which the society attaches great importance. This research adopts the qualitative research method of responsive policy evaluation and discusses the cognition and view of the suitable objects, officials in acceptance organs and persons receive penalty regarding the implement of the policy till now from the four evaluation indicators “policy adaptability”, “goal attainment degree”, “executor intention” and“policy cooperation degree”. This research makes reasoning over the relationship between the implement factors and the defect of the policy through document analysis method, in-depth interview and collecting related responsive evaluation. A summary statement will be made using the analysis result to work as reference for future policy amendment or implement and advice for subsequent related research. Suggestions of this research which regarding regulation includes:1.criteria of fines should be relaxed for unintentional false declaration case; 2.exception should be allowed for declaration obligor to not declare the spouse’s property. Regarding the system aspect: 1. change examination method and improve examination efficiency;2. show the determination of corruption fighting by combining crime of fortune from unknown source; 3.trace illegal corruption by building up notification mechanism. When it comes to the implement: 1. enhance the knowledge and policy cognition of the obligors; 2. pay attention to the mentality and professional ability of the officials in declaration acceptance organ; thirdly, systematize network and reform the procedure.


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徐語宏(2016)。政府資料開放活化應用之評估研究- 以立法院資料服務平台為例〔碩士論文,逢甲大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6341/fcu.M0301176
