  • 學位論文


The Position and Competition Strategy of Taiwan Phalaenopsis Orchild Industry in the Global Market

指導教授 : 羅竹平


本文將以經濟的角度介紹全球蝴蝶蘭市場的供給與需求,及台灣蝴蝶蘭產業之現況,並以邏輯的方法推估蝴蝶蘭產業的市占率,以及提出對於產業升級的建議。以供需來分析台灣蝴蝶蘭產業之現況。蘭花是農產品,農產品大多有供、需難以平衡的問題,由蘭苗到開花株大約要一年三個月到一年七個月,而對消費者來說需求是即時的,供需存在時間的延遲問題,如何讓供給與需求達到平衡將是最需要努力的方向。 本文第二章;依全球蝴蝶蘭之消費地及供應地分別做介紹,探討哪些因素會影響消費意願,簡單介紹主要消費地之消費習慣,及價格資訊,點出計畫生產之重要性。第三章;介紹台灣蝴蝶蘭產業現況,包括組培業、栽培業、及銷售端的介紹,以便分析台灣蝴蝶蘭產業在全球蝴蝶蘭供應鏈中的位置。第四章;整合前兩章的介紹及本研究的心得,以經濟方法分析價格與產值關係,客觀推測台灣蝴蝶蘭之產能比例,最後提出產業的未來展望。 透過訪談國內各大蝴蝶蘭業者,實習參與實際的生產、包裝、出貨、與客戶端的溝通,深入的了解蝴蝶蘭產業實務面狀況,試圖點出台灣蝴蝶蘭產業的特色,以及未來即面臨的問題,提出問題,舉出實際數據證明此問題的存在,解釋並試圖解決,是此文的目的。


This article offers an introduction of supply and demand in the global Phalaenopsis market as well as the current conditions of the Phalaenopsis industry in Taiwan from an economic point of view. It estimates, in a logical manner, the market share of Taiwan-produced Phalaenopsis while presenting suggestions for an industrial upgrade. On the basis of supply and demand, the current conditions of the country’s Phalaenopsis industry are analyzed. Orchids are agricultural products, most of which are haunted by an imbalance between supply and demand. It takes approximately 15 to 19 months for an orchid seedling to blossom, however the consumers generate an immediate demand, hence the delay between supply and demand. Therefore, how to reach the equilibrium between supply and demand is an issue that calls for the utmost effort. In Chapter 2, this article describes the worldwide Phalaenopsis consumption and supply areas. Not only does the chapter examine various factors that may affect consumer intentions, it also briefly mentions the consumer behaviors and pricing at main Phalaenopsis consumption areas to point out the importance of planned production. Chapter 3 provides an update on the present situation of the Phalaenopsis industry in Taiwan ---including the mericlone nurseries, cultivation firms, and the sales end---in an attempt to analyze the country’s position in the global Phalaenopsis supply chain. Chapter 4 summarizes the introductory content in the first two chapters along with some afterthoughts about this study. It explores the relationship between price and output value using an economic method, so as to objectively infer the percentage of Taiwan’s Phalaenopsis production capacity. Finally, this industry’s growth prospects were discussed to conclude this paper.


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