  • 學位論文


Numerical Simulation of the General Insulation Material in the Application of Increasing Indoor Thermal Comfort

指導教授 : 呂良正


廣義隔熱材料(Gneral Insulation Material),依其隔熱機制的不同,包含隔熱材料和相變材料。隔熱材料(Insulation Material),利用物質本身的低熱傳導係數的特性,阻隔熱流的傳遞,使物體維持在某一固定溫度範圍、或延時室外溫度對於室內所帶來的效應。因此熱傳導係數越低,所能減少熱進出的效果就越好。相變材料(Phase Change Material),在產生相變化時會伴隨著大量熱能的吸收和釋放,俗稱潛熱(latent heat),可利用此性質來達到恆溫或降低溫度振幅。兩種不同的材料都廣泛應用於工程中或建築物上。 由於當今全球暖化,夏天用電量激增,因此本研究主要探討廣義隔熱材料應用於臺灣氣候下建築物之除熱效果,利用商業有限元素軟體ABAQUS在適當假設邊界條件之模型下,並分別針對有窗戶和沒窗戶的模型作分析驗證,最後以含窗戶的2D簡化模型為主進行有限元素分析。首先探討廣義隔熱材料於臺灣氣候建築物上對於本研究所計算出之耗電量及熱舒適度做評估。爾後會詳細探討廣義隔熱材料應用在建築物上時,其擺放位置、相變材料熔點範圍、以及不同窗戶位置下,其對於室內溫度的改善效果。在探討完廣義隔熱材料之使用效益後,本研究參考文獻的方法,提出精算法和簡化法兩種廣義隔熱材料最佳化厚度設計。如此一來就可以確切提出在臺灣氣候下使用多少公分厚的隔熱材料或是相變材料是最適合的。 在探討完廣義隔熱材料在臺灣氣候下使用之效益以及最佳化厚度設計後,本研究尚有探討將廣義隔熱材料使用在不同國家氣候下,分析在不同氣候下之使用效益,也分別使用出精算法和簡化法兩種廣義隔熱材料的最佳化厚度設計,並與臺灣氣候作比較。


The General Insulation Material, according to different thermal insulating mechanism, includes Insulation Material and Phase Change Material. Insulation Material due to its small thermal conductivity will retard the heat transfer process, so the objects remain at a fixed temperature range, or delays the effect caused by outdoor temperature to indoor temperature. Therefore, with smaller thermal conductivity the effect of retarding heat transfer will be better. Phase Change Material (PCM) will produce or release massive heat energy when processes phase change which is called latent heat. PCM can use the nature to reduce temperature oscillation amplitude or even achieve constant temperature. Therefore, these two kinds of material are widely used in engineering or building structure. Because of the effect of global warming, the electricity consumption in summer has been increasing rapidly. Therefore this research mainly discusses the general insulation material application to eliminate the thermal effect in building structures. Using commercial finite element software ABAQUS the model is simulated with well designed proper boundary condition. So, a 2D simplified model is constructed with windows, implemented to represent the physical space and to do the finite element analysis. First the effect of general insulation material applied to building in Taiwan’s climate is discussed. The effect is regarding to the Power Consumption Index (PCI), and Predicted Mean Vote Index (PMVI), defined in this thesis. Later the position of general insulation material, melting temperature of PCM and the position of different windows, in order to get the best effect of general insulation material is discussed. After knowing how to design general insulation material, the methods in references are modified to propose two thickness optimization design methods for general insulation material. One is an accurate method; the other is a simplified method. So, it can be predicted that how many thicknesses of general insulation material would be better to use in Taiwan. In addition, this research will discuss different types of climate, such as Sharurah, Saudi Arabia and Arcata, California, U.S.A. So, the effects of general insulation material can be compared with different types of climate and based on that some conclusions can be made. After that, two thickness optimization design methods are used to find the optimization thickness for general insulation material in these two different cities, and the results are compared with Taiwan.


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