  • 學位論文

台灣潤滑油產業的發展與競爭策略 —以金屬加工油市場為例

A Study on Development and Competition Strategies of Lubricant Industry in Taiwan —The Case of Metalworking Oil Market

指導教授 : 劉啟群


金屬加工油在各種金屬加工製造業的使用非常廣泛,一般人對它並不熟悉,常誤以為是普通的潤滑油產品,其實它是一門非常專業且具有技術性的產業,特別是舉凡牽涉到傳統產業、機械產業、電子產業、航太工業、國防工業、汽機車製造業、紡織產業、生醫及綠能產業等,這些產業的製品均需要透過高精密的工具母機生產才能順利完成,而金屬加工油則扮演金屬加工作業中的介面潤滑、抗磨、冷卻、防銹等重要角色,是機械能否作業順暢,製品能否達到客戶要求的關鍵因素。 本研究先介紹潤滑油產業發展概況,並帶入本論文的研究主軸-金屬加工油市場,藉由深入的探討,希望能讓更多人認識潤滑油產業中的台灣金屬加工油市場,並透過重點分析了金屬加工油市場的發展概況、市場運行狀況、市場未來趨勢、市場競爭格局等,再藉由採用策略與行銷分析中的五力分析、競爭策略理論、SWOT分析工具及行銷4P策略,分析產業的外在環境、企業內部優劣勢與競爭策略,找出金屬加工油市場的關鍵的成功因素、行銷策略及未為來可能的發展建議。 根據本研究歸納出台灣金屬加工油市場關鍵的成功因素有: 一、 掌握全球金屬加工油產品最新技術與脈動。 二、 開發具成本優勢,兼具高效能的金屬加工油產品。 三、 取得具競爭性的原物料價格,有效降低成本。 四、 充分瞭解市場,掌握競爭者現況。 五、 具備油品專業知識,能適時解決客戶關鍵技術問題。 六、 強化與經銷商的合作,建立健全穩健的銷售網。 七、 提升自我品牌的形象,優質化產品包裝。 八、 掌握終端客戶需求,適時調整產品線。 九、 提升產品售後服務,提供客戶產品整合方案。 十、 開發具創新、高附加價值及差異化產品,提高產品售價及利潤。 十一、 強化產品市場行銷策略,清楚傳達企業的核心競爭力。 十二、 強化大陸及國際市場外銷及通路布局。


Metalworking oil is extensively applied in various metalworking manufacturing, but most of the people are not similar with it. It is often mistaken as common lubricant products. In fact, this industry is of profession with expertise. Particularly, metalworking oil plays an important role as a surface lubricity, anti-wear, coolant , and anti-corrosion while producing parts that are necessary to be processed by highly precise machines in traditional industry, machinery industry, electronics industry, aerospace industry, defense technology industry, motor vehicles/ motorcycles manufacturing industry, textile industry, biomedical industry, and green energy industry. Whether machines run smoothly and processed products that meets customers' request hinges on the key factor–metalworking oil. This study starts by introducing overview of development of lubricant industry and then moves on to core of this thesis–metalworking oil market. By delving into this topic, this study aims to let more and more people get access to Taiwan metalworking oil market of lubricant industry. Through analyzing overview on development of metalworking oil market, market movement, market trends, and market competitive pattern and by means of applying Porter five forces analysis, competitive strategy theory, SWOT analysis tool, the marketing theory of 4Ps at the same time, to analyze exterior environment, interior advantages/disadvantages of enterprise and competitive strategies; and one step further, finding out crucial success factor, marketing strategies and suggestion on possible future development for metalworking oil industry. According to this study, key success factors of Taiwan metalworking oil market lie in the following points: 1. Mastering the latest technologies and dynamics of global metalworking industry. 2. Developing metalworking oil products that contains both cost advantage and high performance. 3. Obtaining access to competitive raw materials to cut cost effectively. 4. Comprehending market thoroughly and mastering current situation. 5. Possessing professional knowledge to solve customers' key technical problems. 6. Enhancing cooperation with distributors and building a firm commercial networks. 7. Upgrading brand image and enhancing product marketing strategy. 8. Mastering end-users' demands and adjusting product line timely. 9. Developing products with innovation, high added value and differentiation and increasing product price and margin. 10. Improving after-sales service and providing customers with product integration program. 11. Enhancing export and distribution channel and allocation in China and global market.


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