  • 期刊


An Empirical Study on the Entry Mode of International Investment: An Example of Taiwan's Petrochemistry Industry


本研究係針對我國已赴海外投資之石化業者,探討其進入策略型態及影響其進入模式及投資區位選擇之因素。主要研究目的如下: 1.探討影響石化業投資區位選擇的決定因素。 2.探討影響石化業進入模式的重要因素,及其間的相互關係。 3.探討社會關係網路對進入策略,及投資區位選擇的影響。 至於研究對象是根據經濟部投審會之資料,已赴海外投資且登記有案的化學相關產業的廠商為研究對象寄出問卷,並以敘述性統計法、變異數分析、卡方檢定及多元迴歸模型進行分析。 本研究的結論可歸納成以下幾點: 1.就投資地區分佈來看,石化業廠商對外投資主要是以亞洲地區為主。 2.在進入模式選擇方面,則傾向於採取高涉入程度的進入模式,影響因素中以投資資本額及外銷比例成正相關,與社會關係網路呈負相關。 3.在社會關係網路影響方面,廠商會經由社會關係網路進行國際化投資。至於赴各國投資之投資管道並無太大差異。 4.海外投資事業,主要以石化工業下游加工製品為主,而技術層次高、投資金額龐大的石化基本原料及中間原料廠投資案件相對較少。


The purpose of this paper is to conduct an empirical study on the choice of location and entry mode of foreign investment of Taiwan's petrochemistry industry. By using the survey, analysis of variance, χ^2 Test and multiple regression analysis, the factors which affected the choice of foreign investment location and entry mode of Taiwan's petrochemistry industry are discussed. The conclusion of this research goes to as follows: 1. On the distubition of the investment area, the major investment area of petrochemistry industry is Asian area. 2. On the choice of entry mode, it intends to take the entry mode with high involvement. And in the factors of influence, the relation coefficient between investment capital amount and export is positive, while the relation coefficient between capital amount and social relation network is negative. 3. On the influence of the social relation network, the factors will do international investment through social relationnetwork. The channels for investment toward various countries are with seldom differences. 4. The processing products of the petrochemstry industry takes the major proposition of the investment business abroad, while it isrelatively with minor proposition for the investment cases of basis petrochemistry raw material and middle raw material plants which are usually with high technology and large investment amount.


